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A sequel to the 'dragon worship' picture.

I think I learned a bunch of things doing this, and I'm making it a point to learn to use shorthands, though I still have a ways to go.

I guess maybe I should do a prequel pic too at some point?



Alex de Vries

dragon worship movement grows larger by the day.

My name Macray

What's next? Dragon armageddon if I had to guess?


All will learn that dragon is the only way. Because one with your goddess. XD

Fal Chavamee

looks like they haven't fed her enough. probably why she is rampaging. :P


I always love how you draw your lovely dragons, especially when it comes to their detailed girth and feet, and everything else! Maybe the parade isn't so exciting for the people with front row seats, but from here: the view is pretty awesome!


Thanks! And, I think for the ones closer to the event, it's... a crushing experience. 8)


Wow, this is probably one of the more impressive backgrounds composition-wise I've seen from you! Well done on this, I love it!


Thank you! The background took more time than the dragon, glad it paid off!


This is awesome MB!

Borusa Ryalam

Looks like she's having a stomping good time~


All hail the mighty dragon queen, gaze upon her enlarging mass! 😍


This is what happens when you skimp on cleaning the Dragoness' paws when washing her, she shows why it is important to everyone for her to have proper hygiene. Alternatively, a really fearsome, yet gorgeous display of her immense power to all - the denizens should consider themselves lucky that the Dragon Queen should so trample or destroy their city as a blessing. (And judging from the crowd, it seems they do, whether genuinely or not!) I really love the perspective you've got going for this image. I always love the ground looking up to the macro perspective, it's probably difficult to do, but it's very appreciated for how incredible the results appear. The details as well, a poster that quickly summarizes the scenario's story, the way the dirt and rubble is falling off where stone works are demolished, her belly so hefty it can knock over that tower like nothing, the gaping side holes in the wall that look like she stomped there with force, and even the way her paw is carelessly looming right over her own celebratory crowd. The colors also work well, the use of red makes its objects pop out in the artwork, while her black/gray body also stands out from the dirt/stone brown. Overall a good piece.


Thanks for all the kind words. :) Good to hear the colors in the background worked - A lot of time went into getting them 'just right'. The perspective was tricky, yes. It involved some cheating, and it was especially tricky to build a background with it that connected to the viewer's perspective.