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Been a while since I did a spider lady.

If anyone has suggestions or sore thumbs they'd like to point out regarding the face, please let me know and I'll see if it's something I can fix.



Alex de Vries

atleast she could weave herself a new dress later, but would you really wanna hide such a potential big booty?

Fal Chavamee

hmm... I don't think she cares what she looks like at this point. XD I can't tell if the lesson here is to drink or not drink from pipes with strange fluids leaking out. I'd say she thinks it worked out pretty well for her. I'd have to agree. Because who would disagree with a giant spider? Looks like she might go back for seconds and thirds... and fourths... and dat booty though. Noice.


She would probably have seconds. <.< Dunno what you mean by caring how she looks though - what her face looks like?

Fal Chavamee

I meant if she was human then became a spider then looks probably don't matter to her is what I meant. It was just a play on your question about anyone here caring about how you drew her face.

Theo Winters

No suggestions, but I do love the picture.


I like how you ripped her dress apart, it itself looks like webbing...foreshadowing her tf, perhaps? haha. I actually do like her face, somewhere between bliss and surprise from her transformation, and the dungeon background is fitting to a spider's aesthetics.


Thanks! I'm glad the face isn't off-putting, though because of past criticisms, I can't help but wonder if people just aren't saying it anymore.