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"Thanks to you, we're now forced to do the bidding of and worship an overinflated pooltoy. I hope you're happy with yourself."



Alex de Vries

I wonder if the warrenty involved some kind of acts of gods clause, i need a other one.


I see no problem with this.


Wow, im flattered you liked my idea! She needs moar water tho


The picture only really works because of the characters in the foreground - it's really a picture about them. Dunno what to do next tbh. :p


Nice to see her again. You could have her draining the world's oceans and taking the creatures of the deep with it. Realistically she wouldn't get larger than the Earth because even if most of it is covered in water, there still more Earth underneath. But she could still get big enough to coil herself around it. But I'm no scientist so I wouldn't take what a I seriously. Lol. I can't wait to see what you have in store for the worlds biggest water bed.


It would be cute to see her acting as a slide for kids when she is just starting to get pretty big. Or fox boy showing off some fun ways to use Ms. Snake.


Ail hail Pooltoy! Nice to see her still growing. 😍


Glory be the mighty sea noodle.

Fal Chavamee

You did say wizards at some point lol. The color on this is really well done. And points for style on this. I think his only regret is that he can't do it himself anymore. XD

Borusa Ryalam

I like to think that he still feels that it was worth it; I know that I would~

Draken Fireen

would need a water bender to stop this, though i would not mind worshiping the massive sloshy water balloon snek.


Another idea would be that she gets the magic users to melt glaciers and the polar ice caps to get her more water.


Some kind of water magic, yes. But I don't think she'd take kindly to someone 'taking her water'.


I really adore the sense of majesty in the overheading snake, this drawing feels more like a cool old painting for its posing and colors.


Thank you! I hope the colors don't make the picture too different from the rest in the series...