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Thank you all for continuing to support me!

Hope everyone is having as merry a christmas or other holiday as current circumstances allow.

This will be the last picture in this series, and I've included the completed (and renumbered) series as a zipped file. (If it doesn't work, please let me know.) I know her proportions haven't been consistent over the years, and this one is no exception, but I think this is a nice pic to end this series on.

update: I have included a black version of the series (DTv03.zip).




Merry Christmas too ya


Well now that the test is over, when is the real thing gonna start? Seriously tho this was an excellent sequence, it'll be tough to beat. Although I have high hopes for the inflata-snake series. Happy christmas!


Thank you, and when you say high hopes, do you mean you're expecting more images, or for the story to be good? :)


Hey, Meany! Thanks for providing us with such awesome artwork all throughout the year. This was a fun series and though I'm of course a bit sad for having to say goodbye to this lovely blue dragoness but I'm also quite excited what else you have in stock for us. Hope you're having nice holidays. Stay as awesome as you are!


Thank you very much! The dragon herself may appear in future pictures here and there if I feel like it. It's the sequence that's ended, not the character. (Who still needs a name)


Merry Christmas MB! Thank you for the free post and continuing to create interesting creatures and stories. I look forward to what you have in store for us in the future.


Instead of a hippopotamus, Santa brought us a dragon for Christmas.

Alex de Vries

merry christmas everyone, and yea i would not have minded a christmas hippopotamus either.


Such an adorable giant! Merry Xmas Beany! :)


Omg, this is so cute <3 Merry Christmas!

My name Macray

Does this mean it's officially canon that at some point in time during her growth it was christmas? Jokes aside, I wish you and everyone else a merry christmas and a happy new year!


Thank you! And, maybe? The series is deliberately vague so you can imagine it anywhere and anywhen...


Aww cute! Merry Christmas Meanybeany and everyone!

Fal Chavamee

Merry Christmas! Thank you! What a cute way to end the series!

Borusa Ryalam

D'aww, so cute! Merry Christmas, Meany~