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This will become image 09 in the sequence, I'm calling it 08B so people know where it sits. (hopefully)

Everybody needs a slorshing water balloon snake in their life, obviously.




I've been looking forward to seeing these two again. That snake is really adorable. Nice work as always MB!^^ She could be very useful if your sick and she is filled with hot water. No need for a hot water bottle or bed, just snuggle up with this cutie. I'd buy one.


Not only that, but she makes for a perfect water bed too. You'll need to keep adding hot water though, because she can't expel water and it'll cool down after a while.


Oh yeah, how could I forget about that? I'm fine with feeding her more water, make her bigger, it's more to love. I'm sure if you've been a good owner to her, she'll still be nice to you even when she's massive.


So filling your inflatasnake with water is strictly forbidden, but doing so makes her bigger and more affectionate? And that’s supposed to deter me? How does that work anyway, does filling her with water screw with her original personality or something?


Hmmm. Well, she is basically a magic creature or item. Like the inflatosaur, she is designed to expel air when she is touched while the command word is spoken. But of course, water isn't air, and water adds a whole new level of heft to her. As for the personality, I haven't decided yet, but I think her ego inflates along with her size. She'd be designed that way, to be a more entertaining toy.


Everyone needs a inflatasnake coil cuddling in their life atm. I love it! 😍


Thank you! Yes they do. The best option is to make one snake big enough for everyone!

Fal Chavamee

Obviously. And yay she's back! I think we can get her to Quetz's level and beyond! That fox looks like he's starting to wonder if she is his toy or he is quickly becoming hers. I don't think he regrets it though.


He's definitely questioning his recent decision making! Also the sequence already has her grow to macro size!

Draken Fireen

awww this cute lil cuddle moment before the others when she towers him is sweet, those lips and eyes looking up at the fella as she holds him there.


I feel like I'm getting a rough idea of the order of events going on in these images despite the initial numbering. Feels like after 8B here follows the dommy "03" and after that, maybe the hose/cement "04"? Really curious to know what's before & after the edited snake empress to be part of the sequence pic. Especially "07" at the dam, could have her absorbing a river, lakes or even the oceans themselves! But yes, everyone needs a good waterbed snake in life, regardless of the fine print only mentioning minimum size. :)


I will post the complete sequence when I get around to writing the story! I think it needs a couple more to fill in the holes. Dunno how to do the oceans though, maybe once she gets a bunch of mages working for her...

Borusa Ryalam

Gotta love a great big snakey waterbed~