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This is a picture for Worcanna. Normally, I ask people to wait until next month with posting, but due to her circumstances, I've given her permission to post it whenever she wants. So you may see it appear elsewhere before next month.




Oh this is very pretty


Very nice Bean! I've never seen this blend of species before, it looks awesome. It brings the idea of orcas being the "wolves of the sea" to a whole new level. I do hope the circumstances of Worcanna are not grave and all is well for them. Again nice work! Your the master of big things and little things becoming not so little.


Hehe, thanks. It's a unique mix indeed! And it makes a little more sense than most hybrids, since they're both mammals. :)

Alex de Vries

all i like the question here is, what will they smell like coming out of the water. because wet canine fur and such.

Fal Chavamee

Now this is a very strange creature indeed. I think you win the award for animal mashups and making it work. I really like that light effect at the surface too. Cool image!


Kind of feels like it came from Avatar: The Last Airbender. I love it! 😍


Thank you! I can't take credit for the design, it's an existing character. :)


Thank you. :) I haven't watched that show though, does it have any nice giant monsters in it?


Now thats a cool character! Love it!