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April's % for the current Campaigns:

Thanks to you all, we made 45€ and 8€. This month the funds dropped after 3 amazing months, but I still hope you can enjoy the new content and I'll keep it up as always for the next one

This month, the Patreon % earnings go to the ZORUA Shimeji Campaign! Unfortunately we didn’t reach enough to fulfill the Campaign Goal but it got so close. If someone would like to give the last shot, it’s just 6€ away from the Goal! I hope you can enjoy it soon :D (learn more here!) .

Remember that you can contribute to campaigns to let them reach the goal much faster! More information in the Donate page!


Remember that to become a Patron gives you advantages in Cachomon.com:
- Password for downloading any Public Shimeji without ads
- Password for downloading any Beta Shimeji
- Password for downloading any Exclusive Shimeji

And also grants you the power to vote stronger in the Polls hosted in Patreon!
The power in polls is very important for the Pokémon Project and other Campaigns




- Zorua Shimeji made by Cachomon, Campaign at 6€ from the Goal!

- Chrissaaaaaay the Eevee Girl Shimeji made by Cachomon, the current Patreon Tier 10 commissioner

- Punimon Shimeji update made by Cachomon

- Tsunomon Shimeji update made by Cachomon

- Gabumon Line Shimeji made by Cachomon

- Blitz Creed the Wolf Shimeji made by Luxro, current normal commission


· Zorua Shimeji [by Cachomon]:

Thanks to all the patrons this Shimeji is now a last step from completing the Campaign Goal.
If you would like to be the one who gives the last 6€ shot to make this Shimeji Public, remember you can find how to donate in the Donate page!

For now Patrons can download it HERE!

· Chrissaaaaaay the Eevee Girl Shimeji [by Cachomon]:

The commissioner is Chrissaaaaaay, an awesome Patreon Pledger of the Tier 10! This means that every month they make a successful payment, a little amount of actions will be made and revealed! This month we reveal the Clone 2!!!

This means all the actions are now available to be used!!! Next month is the last one to complete the payment, and is the one that pays for the idle animations :D so in next Monthly Patreon Post will be public!!! You can download the Beta HERE!

· Punimon Shimeji [by Cachomon]:

Punimon got a bunch of new actions, involving hotspots and decision hotspots. This means that there are actions that if you press stuff, something will happen but if you don’t, nothing will happen or an alternative animation will happen. This has been pretty cool to implement and I’ve implemented the same to Tsunomon and Gabumon.

Since I added more animations, the goal got an increase. The Punimon that has these new actions is the Gabumon Line one, not the solo. The solo will be updated when the new Goal is reached.

· Tsunomon Shimeji [by Cachomon]:

With Tsunomon I did the same as with Punimon! Also got the same bunch of new actions. Since I added more animations, the goal got an increase. The Tsunomon that has these new actions is the Gabumon Line one, not the solo. The solo will be updated when the new Goal is reached.

· Gabumon Line Shimeji [by Cachomon]:

Gabumon this month also had a HUGE update. The same update Punimon and Tsunomon had, was also added to Gabumon.

So what are all these updates?

One of the important changes in the Gabumon Line Shimeji is that it starts with a Digitama/Egg. You have to rub it to hatch, or wait a bit so it hatches on its own! The other updates involve speech bubbles with different icons. These are “being hungry, being sleepy, wanting to poop and wanting to evolve”.

- If you press the hungry bubble you will feed the character.
- If you press the sleepy bubble you will put the character to sleep.
- If you press the poop bubble you will make the character to poop in a Portable Potty, but if you DON’T press it, the digimon will leave a pink smelly gift on the floor. - This gift will change its size depending on their stage level will be smaller or bigger.
- If they poop on the floor they will shout mad at you.
- If you press the evolving bubble nothing will happen, this one is just informative that the digi will evolve.
- If you press the pink smelly gifts on the floor, a Numemon will come to clean it! Also, there is a % chance that instead of a Numemon, a Geremon will come instead to do the job.
- This is not canon in the Digimon lore but all of them can lay eggs in the Shimeji :3

Other cool actions that Gabumon has is to clone himself, to do a random happy roar, to growl when we touch its muzzle while sitting, to transform into furless form, etc.

You can download the Beta HERE !
Thanks a lot to Kilk to help me to program the trickiest of these <3

So what is left now?

Mostly the repaints! BlackGabumon has been started to be painted, and last would be Psychemon since needs new belly image before repainting :3 after all these are done if people gives good I may do a little surprise based on Gabu in a future.

Also I have decided that even if they are not official (at least they were never seen officially for now) I will do the Furless BkGabumon and Furless Psychemon, they will just not be evolvable.

· Blitz Creed the Wolf Shimeji [by Luxro]:

This Shimeji is a Wolf OC being made by Luxro and commissioned by Steam Hooves! This character has a pretty custom actionlist. For now you can see Stand, Walk and Jump!

This one will be exclusive for patrons. You can find the beta HERE!

For more information about the Pokédex Shimeji Project you can check the Campaigns and how to Contribute to them. If you have or know someone owning a Victini, Growlithe, Umbreon, Cyndaquil, Quilava, etc FanCharacter, remember that to commission a Shimeji of them will give an immediate slot and a big % of the cost will go to the specific Pokémon Campaign! Another Species that is already public will also give a quick slot :3 like Eevee, Buizel, Shinx, etc.



- Dragonet Species Shimeji [by Luxro]:

We are currently into talking with the commissioner and the Stand is already done! This one will start with an Egg and we will have to rub it to hatch! The Dragonet that will be out will be random from a pretty big amount of options! For now there are 12 designs confirmed.

- Bruges the English Bulldog Shimeji [by Cachomon]:
This will be a special tribute shimeji of a real doggy. We are still working on the design and the actionlist. Next post should include minimum the Stand basic frame :3

- Nagito from Danganronpa Shimeji [by Luxro]:

This Shimeji has an approved Stand Sketch already, will be one of the next Slots of Luxro.

- Tailmon/Gatomon Shimeji [by Cachomon]:
You can see a shime1 preview already in a previous post. As you could see I made Gatomon, BlackGatomon and Mikemon! To see some NSFW+ sketches for a future actions from past posts you gotta visit the BKCachomon account.

- Espeon Shimeji [by Cachomon]:
YES! Next Eeveelution will be ESPEON. I don't know yet when will I start it but should be easier than Umbreon so also cheaper and faster to make. I would like to finish Gabumon first. More information soon.

- "Certain Wolf"Shimeji [by Cachomon]:
This month there aren't news about the Wolf from Puss in Boots Last Wish. People didn't really show hype for him so I may do a poll soon to see if there is interest at all.


- TROTLG Comic: This month I couldn’t do any new page because had to focus on Gabumon and its preevos. For next post I would love to have at least one. Direct link to the dA comic version HERE.

- T-Shirt design Commission:
I can finally show this! Is a Raikou T-shirt design, I hope you like! You can see it above, is too big top put it here.

-The DPET team added some more characters :D





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