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Insert a 1 mm brass pin through the drilled hole and glue it in place. Here is a brief overview of how to make a holder commonly used in garage kits.

Unlike Gundam plastic models, GK parts are difficult to support with alligator clips. Therefore, it is necessary to make your own parts holder.

It would be nice if there were ready-made ones, But no manufacturer will sell it to us.

So, it is convenient to make your own when you have time, and if you make 100 or so, you will almost never run out.

First, prepare appropriate bamboo skewers and cut them to a length that is easy to hold.

It is recommended to buy a short one from the beginning to save cutting time.

Next, drill holes with a 1 mm drill.

Be careful not to drill off-center as it may break.

Insert a 1 mm brass pin through the drilled hole and glue it in place.

This is the finished product. This is the parts holder I always use in my videos.

Without this part holder, work efficiency would drop drastically, but no one tells you how to use it and there are no introductions to it in books or other sources, so it is a real pain in the ass.

It takes about 1 to 2 minutes to make one piece, so if you want to make 100 pieces, it will take some time, but there is a big difference between having it and not having it, so I recommend making it in your spare time.

For parts that are too heavy or too big to be handled with this handle, use a 3mm aluminum round bar or the like.




What do you use as a holder?


Thank you. I've been planning to make these ❤️‍🔥 but I don't have any kits to work on 🥲