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So now that we have checked the failure pattern, let's look at the eye paint when it was redrawn. First of all, here is the preliminary drawing, compared to what it looked like before the re-drawing.

You can see that the eye contours are quite different.

The left eye is more like a beautiful lady's eye, but it is not at all like Thea's.

Looking closely at the original painting, I noticed the following.

  • The arc of the lower part of the iris should not be visible.
  • The width of the eye should be wider.
  • The entire iris should be shifted down slightly.

So I drew a draft based on this. It is easy to see the difference when the images are superimposed.

The mouth is also slightly distorted due to its deep depth.

This is the face before refinishing. If you look closely at the arrow part, you will see that the lower right corner is slightly broken. So I filled it in a bit with cyanon so I could draw a straight line.

If you look at the gloss on the lower part of the left side eye, you can see that the eye is drawn well off the eye guide. If the eye were to fit the guide, the eye would be smaller, so I ignored it in order to be as faithful as possible to the original drawing.

Also, the outline of the eyes is drawn in brown-gray because it was necessary to use a lighter color overall. If the eyes are too assertive, they will be different from Thea's atmosphere, so it may be more difficult to adjust than you think.

Then, after adding various drawings and fitting it, it looks like this.

It is starting to look properly Thea.

After painting the skin color, add mucous membrane color to the edge of the eyes using Enamel Mucous Membrane Clear, and further draw in the diagonal blush lines and double lines. This finally brings us closer to Thea.

All that's left to do is apply a brush of enamel clear red to the lips to matte coat, and then apply hair and eyebrows color.

The brightness, size and position of the eyes, and the size of the mouth have changed considerably. I think the impression has become softer and prettier.

So it was finally completed. It took too long. 

But took a lot of time and effort is so much prettier for it!

Eldora Model will be announcing the kit sales in the near future, so be sure to pick one up!

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