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Holà fine people reading this, I hope you're having a good morning/afternoon/evening! I'm writing to you as I'm wrapping up another 2-hour work session which was spent finishing Rose's 2nd scene and working on silhouettes so I could give you this image above : )

So, the more I work, the farther the finish line looks^^ I've now finished 3 scenes in total, tested two, and I'm slowly getting towards the end story-wise. Still, I have two more scenes to do and a bunch more stuff as well, so I still can't say for sure when the release date might be.

I've tried to make every scene on the longer side and packed with as many custom animations or variations of said animations as I could. I think this update is shaping up to be a good one (if I dare say so myself), with plenty of stuff such as new portraits (make-up version), new outfits, new maps, new temporary characters, new Triple Trident cards and opponents, and plenty more, but I'll need you to be a bit patient until I can finally release it. I really want to finish this main quest before the release so I can also add the two new portraits for Rose and Cyanna. Thank you!

That's it for this PoL! Not much to say, I'm sorry. I'll spend this week working on the story and hopefully I can get to the last scene of the update (not accounting for the extra scene) by the next PoL.

Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful week!





Damn you, tinted glass. How dare an inanimate object obscure our visions of glory?


Have you ever considered a Netori game in the HC series?


Agreed! Who's the tyrant who decided windows should have glass panels instead of just being giant holes in the wall? (btw, both silhouettes are actual animations in the scenes that happen before that, so for those who play the omnicscient PoV, it should make it easier to figure out what's going on)


Hmmm, not really. I'm not against the idea, but I'm pretty sure that's not what my audience is expecting of me^^

char lion

When will the update 13 be released?❤