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hey all, hope you're well

been working a bunch of stuff the last couple weeks and will have much to show for it soon, i think. here's a quick thing in the mean time.

i've placed an order for 200 copies of the RHODE STRIXMAN disc. it and a shirt will be available hopefully later this month. please stay tuned for info. disc will be priced at $15+ship, shirt at $30+ship (direct from artist's shop, will go live with CD).

in the midst of all this, i've decided to start looking for a new place. i have some appointments next week and ideally i'll be out of here some time soon enough. things are going to be hectic in the mean time and i'm going to try to get some more merch stuff happening to make the move affordable. wherever i end up will be more expensive by a significant margin, but i simply can't deal with a shared house with people i don't know any more. the lack of privacy and total disrespect for it being a shared environment is chipping away at my sanity and i need to take action even if it is less affordable.

thank you for your patience as i work through this. i've lived here for a decade now and it's going to be a significant effort to pack up and move somewhere new. one step at a time, i suppose.




wishing the best of luck to you and everyone out there who’s also moving out of a home !! it’s competitive out there but stay persistent with your needs. Recently a way of privacy I gained for myself was driving around and all my car really has is a cd player so naturally i’m gonna bring my collection. Soo glad you’re releasing this on cd.


can't wait for that one. looks super sick.