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hello! i mentioned this on twitter and in the discord but totally failed to here as it's been a busy couple days around the house for me.

i'll be taking a couple weeks or so to be a little less online as i'm currently trialing some ADHD medication, finally. i'll be working on things more or less like normal, just gonna hunker down and focus on that and socializing while i take care of myself and adjust to the change. i'm hopeful for improvement, the past few months have been especially awful for focus and mental energy.

i have a couple plugins in the works, have started some music projects, and will be actively starting work on the final map of time tripper circuit02 soon enough. plenty to juggle, and i'll try to bounce between work on everything so stuff gets done in a "reasonable" timeframe.

cheers and best wishes, be back sooner than later, hopefully with goodies to show for it!


Justen Corbin

Totally understandable; taking new medicine is sometimes rough, so I wish you the best of luck ❤


I hope you find a brand that works best for you, ADHD is one of the worst things in regards to productivity and motivation. Take as much time as you need to adjust to it and note how the medication interacts with your mentality, different brands can affect you negatively. Ritalin is one of those, and seems to trigger a sort of anger response from most people. And desoxyn is one I highly recommend staying away from, to anyone and everyone. I wish you the most on this journey! 🤗✨


no ritalin here - i've been addicted to various stimulants and adjacent compounds in the past so i'd rather not go down that route again. trying out an NRI as it'll be safer for me, even if less effective. cheers.