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hey all, thought i'd drop another update in since no actual Stuff has appeared and it's all been happening behind the scenes as of late

MORE ADVENTURES is taking quite a bit longer than i thought to put together - i'm a bit of an impasse regarding it right now and don't want to push work on it too hard for fear of burning out on it, so i'm taking it as it comes as to make it the best it can be. as a result of that,

the plugins i've been working on will probably be released, at least to patrons, within the next month or so, before the album is done. they're mostly ready to go with some minor fixes to be done.

i should have another sample pack ready soon - i've been out and about recording a lot of impact sounds (drum sticks etc against various objects) and need to sort through a lot of recordings to pick out the good / usable stuff, as well as do noise reduction and whatnot since they were all recorded in public and there are plenty of things that can make or break the recordings (cars, people, birds, etc).

for now that's all i've  got, but you can expect to see this stuff surface on here fairly soon. aside from the occasional stream i've been mostly offline lately for health reasons and i've tried to limit my work to monday to friday while leaving the evenings open for relaxation, as i found myself inching back towards "working all day every day from time of waking to time of sleep", which isn't particularly sustainable for me any more in the long run.

that's all for now - hope you're keeping well.



I find you going out and recording sounds interesting. Halley Labs isn't necessarily your studio, it's wherever you are.