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hey all. yeah, i'm *still* slaving away at making the stream as cool as possible. i'm having a blast, and i hope it'll be fun for y'all too when you can catch it! but for now, neat things:

i've gone ahead and submitted a bunch of emotes to FrankerFaceZ (a twitch-expanding browser plugin), and those should be mostly approved in a few days. here's what i submitted:

it's a whole bunch! i've configured them to spam onto the stream's video itself when they're used, so enjoy messing up my streams (a little). even if you don't have FrankerFaceZ installed, you can use the text codes for them (MSXaaa, MSXbad, etc) to have them thrown up onto the stream.

as well, i've added a cute little thing that pops up when people follow while i stream. i still have to make some audio for it, but i think it's fun and makes things way more personable (and personal). it looks like this:

i also put together a logo (it's really just the Fantasy Zone logo with more stuff on it) as i settled on "FANTASY ZONE ~Variety Hell~" as the stream name.

i'm sure it all seems a little overkill, but in learning that so much is possible with the tools i have available, i really had to take a deep dive with this one, and i hope all of the effort will pay off in some fun times with you all ♥

there are still a couple little things to rework in terms of audio, and i'd also like to get a viewer voting system implemented so we can do things like game votes, video votes, voting on what sample i use out of a pool of them, etc. i really feel like gamifying interaction a little bit is going to help me get back into the swing of things, both work and non-work related!

cheers ♥

PS: i got twitch prime so videos will stay up for 60 days after broadcast.

PPS: ok there are so many simple options for poll integration it's outright silly, that was a non-issue.


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