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Hi, Welcome to my world of technophilia.. 

Thank You for your subscription pledges!

I know you are here for the artwork and the last thing you want is to go through a bunch of text. I will keep it short, but I do hope you read through these crucial information:

• Ok, so where's all the goodstuff? Where's the artworks?
Due to patreon strict rules regarding adult content most of the main artwork are not stored in my patreon page. 

• What?! So, where and when can I access the artworks?

 I will send you a newsletter emailed directly to your patreon private message - based on the info provided by patreon. 

• A Newsletter?
Yes, in this newsletter, you will be receiving:
-  A dropbox link of the latest pin-up and vibr8in2 comic strip (depends on your pledge tier)
- A Dropbox links to all my previous pin-ups and comic
*($15 pledge will allow you to access a dropbox links to all my pin-ups artwork + comic,
$1 pledge only for comics only)
- Additional info/ announcements/ etc

• So what do I do now while waiting for that newsletter day?

- If time permitted, I will post SFW works in progress in relating to the current monthly artworks post that you could access/ download.
- This means you also have access through all the previous month work in progress posted in my patreon page
- The 'work in progress' are ranging from draft sketches, thumbnails and concept art design.
- You can vote for proposed angle for every pin up of the month (for $15 tier subscription).

• Lastly, why does DMFO patreon pages feel so ... quiet? (less activities) 
I'm not a full time artist, still struggling to survive.. In order to sustain my true passion - I have to take random day jobs. However, it left me very little hours at the end of the day to sit down and illustrate, developing on something that I truly passionate about: Women + machines.

My advance apologies if you felt there's very little activities in my patreon pages. I wanted you to know that behind my silence - I'm striving to deliver to you, my best works.
That's it,

Please feel free to contact me If you have further inquiries, I love to hear your feedback, suggestions and ideas.

From the bottom of my technophile heart,

Added: 2023-01