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Hello friends! I’m popping in today with a couple updates for you all regarding commissions & YCH’s etc!

So first off, weekly rewards! This weeks reward will be end up having to be done later in the week, as I’m VERY very busy these next few days and I just don’t have the time! June has been a non stop month for me so I’ve been left being very busy with offline stuff. I’m away with friends until Tuesday, and thus I aim to get to work on this weeks reward around Wednesday / Thursday!

Next up I wanna talk about the possible idea of a pride YCH! It’s getting pretty late into the month, and cus I’ve been so burnt out with work I must admit I’m not in any rush to get a YCH out as I’m really enjoying not having any owed art, alongside the fact I am, as I mentioned above, super busy this month and it’s not letting up as the month nears it’s end either. I’ll be away on a sort of vacation with my friends from the 28th until early July, and with me being away this Monday and Tuesday, and having a family event on the 25th, it’s leaving me with not much time to myself, so long story short, I’m not gonna be promising a pride YCH as it’s looking like I just won’t have the time. However, it’s not completely out of the question as I may try and doodle a YCH up while I’m away on my little vacation, but even if that ends up happening I won’t be taking on many slots and they won’t all be done before the end of June.

However I do have some stable news about actual commission openings! I’m gonna be opening commissions for sparkle dog tier patreons on July 6th! I’m not sure on a time yet, but I’ll be opening commissions through a Google form and I’ll leave the form up for 24 hours! From there, I’ll be picking a handful of people I’ll be working with throughout the month :3 I feel this system may be easier on myself and for anyone who’s wanting to get a slot! As well as giving more people a chance 💛💖

I appreciate everyones patience with me regarding comms as of the last couple months, and I’m hoping to get stuff more stabilised in the future. Just with how busy I’ve been, and with how utterly burnt out I’ve been on work, taking the latter half of this month off has been something I’ve really needed.



Yessss so excited for your commissions!!