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Little doodle I did since I got my first COVID vaccination yesterday as well As getting my hair cut! woohoo! I’ve always had a real big fear of needles so I’m proud of myself for how well I handled my first vax lmao. So far I feel completely fine, just a dead arm! Im looking forward to getting my second one in a couple months.

My new hair cut is also really nice, I last got my haircut in September last year and with how fast my hair grows it was down to my lower back so getting it all chopped off feels so nice. I’ve never had my hair this short before so it’s a big change, but a welcomed one! I decided to draw my new sona Socks for this piece since she has my exact hair style n I feel v connected to her rn. 

Im pretty busy for the Next 3 or 4 days, with seeing friends and going to a theme park for a couple days from Monday, I’ll be a bit Mia! But I do wanna try and doodle a bit today while I have the time.
