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Hello friends, I feel as if I should come on here with a small update of sorts to explain some things, though warning this isn’t the most cheery update.

Stuff has been very very slow for the last week or two, honestly I don’t really know at this point all of the days are blurring together. But, I just want to apologise for that and to apologise to my commissioners specially. Work is happening, but very very slowly. I’m really doing my best, but as of right now I don’t think my mental health has ever been in a worst spot. I’m really not doing well at all. I’m doing my best to reach out to emergency help options but it’s kind of just falling apart in my hands and there isn’t much I can do but to keep trying, though that’s hard. It’s really really hard. I have a lot of unread messages from friends cus I just don’t have the energy to reply, and I haven’t left my bed in days. Everything feels very hopeless and I’m just so so tired. Not to mention the debilitating anxiety I’ve been feeling over social media lately has just left me feeling paralysed.

I know this is a bit morbid and personal and I’m sorry for the depressing post, but I feel it’s important for me to be transparent with everyone regarding why work is so slow, and I figured this was the best way to reach everyone. Work is coming, just slower than usual. I just wanted to keep you all in the loop.

I love you all, thank you so much for the continued love and support. I’m so grateful for all of you and everything you do.



Take your time coming back, Blake. Your mental health above all is incredibly important! If you need a break then please take a break! Focus on yourself above all. I really hope you feel better soon! Take your time and take care of yourself 💕

Clover Pigeon

Please take care of yourself, love. You matter so much to so many people. You're incredibly strong and I know you can get though this. Take as much time as you need 💕