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Hello friends! I just wanted to show this approved wip of a commission for PockyGingercake that I’m working on rn! 💛
Thank you all so much for the well wishes on me getting my new iPad, it warmed my heart ;; it’s so wonderful and freeing to know I’m able to work on big scenes and large ref sheets without fear of my iPad crashing or slowing, nor will I have to break bigger pieces up over multiple canvas anymore. It feels so nice lmao!

Since I opened commissions back up yesterday a lot more of my sparkle dogs jumped on it than I expected which I’m so grateful for! That does mean that my queue is pretty packed right now, I think I have like 12 or 13 people on my queue right now? I would usually close after getting that many but since I’ve been closed for so long I’m gonna keep comms open for a while longer. Hopefully I can work through everything at a decent speed now the holidays are over! I’m gonna try a new system where I open for commissions here for my sparkle dog‘s once a month? Since I don’t open anywhere else I think that sounds fair? I just wanna avoid myself from getting back logged with a ton of work to save people having to wait ages for their comm! But of course I’m open to any feedback from you guys 💛💛



Clover Pigeon