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Hope you guys enjoy this interview with Chris! Coming out AB/DL almost ruined his marriage, but he was able to make a comeback. Tune in to hear how! 



I totally relate to this episode, my wife is like his, very vanilla. I decided to tell her during our honeymoon, which made things interesting, I also regret how I did it, wished I found this podcast before that, think it would have helped us greatly.


During the honeymoon?? Now THAT I have never heard of. How does she feel about it now?


She's fine with it, took some time to show her it's not as bad as she thought it was (I also didn't explain it well so that didn't help) she's fine if I wear and I'm happy with that, your podcast has helped in better explaining things


I do not avocate telling your significant other about it during the honeymoon, best to do after if you waited that long


It had a good ending at least 🙂