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It's the middle of the month so you get one of these.

I guess I should say there's a content warning on this one for spanking.  if you don't like that stuff then yeah don't read this page.  There is sorta plot on this page so then maybe read the page but not the last few panels? 




poor lil one and poor daddy too for that

samantha rebecca clarkson

Padding is good for making spankies not hurt. Giggles. Yes I can vouch for that. Blushes


Every time I see a update I hope it means Star got a sawed off rifle and took these assholes out, and every time I'm disappointed she hasn't...yet


She’s gonna learn!


Cyril helped Star escape. I don't understand why he's so insistent on her getting punished


They always say it hurts them more then it hurts you but it definitely doesn’t feel like it


Cyril set this up, he must enjoy watching the beating.Bet that got her heart racing!


Cyril is a big meanie, to Star. Just when she thinks she’s safe this happens. Can’t she catch a break, besides the window.


Aww poor star she came so close to being a good little one and getting away with it lol


My Mommy is smaller than me but she can make a spankies hurt ever with the diapie still on. She just uses her bare hand and it hurts. Must be cos she a firey Irish Mommy.


I quite agree. I've half a mind to intro that old goat to my cat Oc, and see him punished for his cruelty


Poor Star. Bloody goat's a mean one.


Odd she got to begging not to be punished before the spanking even started.. I mean, the man *does* have big paws.. 😰 But also maybe some past trauma playing a hand here? (er, no pun intended)