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Only one more page of backstory.  This one messes me up a little.

My parents always wanted a boy, they ended up with 4 daughters instead.  They were so sure that they were gonna have a boy that when I popped out they genuinely hadnt even thought of girl names.  I was supposed to be George.  As a result my Mum suffered severe anti-natal depression and I ended up coming very close to being put up for adoption.  She confessed much later in my life that she hated me for well over a year when i was first around. Sometime I wish I didnt know that, but i appreciate the honesty I guess.

My Dad constantly told me he was disappointed not to have any sons to carry on the family name etc etc...so for quite a chunk of my teen years I felt like maybe I should be a boy in order to make my family happy I eventually came to the conclusion this wasnt the correct reason to go down that route and didnt, but  Its possible its why i've always shied away from stereotypical girl things and been drawn to things like robotics and rocket building and computer games and electronics and dressed very androgynously over the years.

I always felt it was my fault for being a girl, but truthfully these days im at peace with it.  Girl or boy I'd still just be me. 




Wanna give you a big hug Squiggle 🥺


You're perfect the way you are. I'm sorry for what you had to go through growing up, but I'm glad you found peace along the way. You deserve all the happiness and hugs this world can offer


*offers hugs* that is a LOT to deal with, im glad you are you!


You're prefect the way you are Squiggle Lynx, never let anyone tell you otherwise. What you have been through you have been through make up your past, but you make up your today and future. More people than you know love you, some in person, many more through your work than you will ever know. Hugs


Squiggle, I want you to know, you’re awesome. You, among a few other artists I was following, inspired me to come out to my family, as trans AND as ABDL. And to seek out friends in both queer and ABDL communities. Because I saw in art like yours what life would be like if you surround yourself with people you trust, and open up to them. I’m sorry to hear how your family life has been, you have my sympathies, and I certainly know what it’s like to live in a dysfunctional setting. But for what it’s worth, thanks to people like you, I’m living my best life. I’m not kidding when I say, coming out literally saved my life, and when I finally began to open up and form long lasting friendships, I found a love that I’ll never let go of. :) you’re exactly who you were meant to be, and no one can tell you otherwise.


Oh god I am so sorry that you had to deal with that sort of thing. 😥 You are an amazing person! *sends lots of hugs*


*hugs* I'm so sorry you had to deal with this. This is so messed up. I think I will never be able to understand parents, but feeling hate for a newborn because of their assigned gender it's just gross. I feel so sad for you


That really is a ruff backstory... Very sry to hear such a sad story... Feel hugged <3


*hugs* squiggle I’m sorry




I’ve never run into anyone who had such a similar childhood situation to mine. I feel both incredibly comforted knowing I’m not alone, but also terribly sorry you also went through that. Much like you, tinkering on machines was the only quality time I really spent with my dad, as well.