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Oh gosh this page makes me wanna simultaneously wanna hug Saffy and also wanna be hugged by Cleo,  I hope Cleo gets this resolved soon because theres still an Ace crawling around the nursery that needs some attention.




I gosh. The second panel just melts and breaks my heart at the same time. Obviously, love seeing her still being regressed. But knowing what she’s been through, she’s just trying so hard. And Nana handled her beautifully. Love this page (Gotta admit, I hope at least part of the hypnotism doesn’t ever go away. I guess we’ll see.)


Awwwrrrr. Poor saffy.


Poor Saffy needs so much love and hugs right now. Thank you Nana Cleo for being there for her.


the emotions are so strong on this one it took 3 times reading before I saw how soggy she is! bravo...




This makes me think of one of my favorite quotes: "People don't cry because they're weak, but because they've been strong for too long." Poor Saffy isn't used to needing to rely on anyone else for anything, much less something as personal and intimate as this. I can't even imagine how much it must hurt for someone so independent to suddenly feel so helpless (even if it's clear there is a part of her that wants this, it's going against her nature)