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These pages are gonna get tricky LOL Pesky fish fishing around the place and light being all weird  i should have drawn them visiting a box factory or something.  No wait...boxes are hard to draw ...errrr maybe just sitting on some grass not moving...yeah that would have been the best day out ever!




It's an odd one, I know Martin and Kim are just trying to be good friends but when I'm embarrassed and get the equivalent of 'There's no reason to be embarrassed' I react badly and prefer to just remove myself from the situ. Kinda sucks because I know they're right, shame is really hard to let go of sometimes.


yeah we'll see how Star reacts to their reassurances in the next page I guess. I know I get pretty twitchy myself in situations like this


Wow what Kim and Martin said hits home I wish I had the confidence that they have I only can be small in my house I don’t have others to help me


In my eyes this page is awesome. The fish you drew are perfect to sell the story. Great page. Cant wait to the next one.

Night Mist

I get a feeling some other ABDLs are gonna be there as well and/or the families there are gonna be very understanding folk that actually support ABDLs in whatever way they can.


Stars face in the first panel top left is amazing! So cute!

Kitty Angel

Fish without boxes are hard to draw, and boxes without fish are hard too. They could have gone to a fish boxing show! That would be easy, right?


Don’t think they’d get many looks with how she’s dressed right now


Totally understand Star’s reaction, I’d shy away and take a step back too (maybe run, I’m sure that will attract much less attention..). What Kim and Martin are saying is super important though. A lot of times it’s easy to forget to be yourself and enjoy things. ~ Wonderful page, I’m looking forward to what Star will discover and learn on their trip ❤️


Is anyone else wondering what the guy with the microphone is going to do?


such a big life lesson here. my goodness it took too long to get this idea in me. <3


If only.....


I see 3 scenarios for the next page. I'm hoping that Star can get her panic under control, finish the tour, and maybe get a new plushie


Star, I feel the same way when Daddy takes me on a Little day and I have to be around people. Everybody is too busy with their own stuff to really care what others do, and anyone who does just is a sign of their insecurity, not yours.