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Apologies for this page being a little later in the day than normal I was away for a few days away from computers and internet connection but thought I'd be home earlier than this so didnt set up a auto post thing for CTN but i just got home 30 mins ago so here have a page




poor saffy


Hope you enjoyed whatever you were up to. Poor Saffy. Hope she feels better when she wakes.


Poor Varden he doesn’t want to lose his playmate. And poor little Saffy so upset maybe she’ll feel better after a nap.


"BUT SHE ISN'T BROKEN!" has me legitimately crying... Varden's pleas might seem selfish, but he could be right. Saffy needs this. Maybe not quite in this way, but still. She needs a real childhood and real love.


Truthfully that kinda messed me up too, which is why I knew it was the right words to write


It seems to me that both Saffy and Varden lost someone very important to them in their childhoods. I'm wondering what happened to Varden's little sister


Poor Saffy :( And Varden just wants to have a friend!