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Hi there.  You may have been getting email notifciations when I upload shine/ctn/housebroken/found etc that contain a dropbox link.  

These links will only be working for a short time at the moment. So if it works when you click it on the email.  That's great.  If however you click it and it takes you to a broken link.  then what you need to do is go to the actual patreon site and click the link in  the patreon post.

To explain....Someone...well... A patreon  has been taking my content without my consent and uploading it to a different site so people can access patreon content for free (im not going to name the site as it will just give it more coverage) 

 The way that site works is by scalping the whole page so it takes all the content and uploads it.  However once it's uploaded theres no easy way of editting it.  So I just wait until my new patreon page has been uploaded there, and then break my own dropbox link and issue a new one. 

 This does sadly break the link via email, but it also breaks the link on the scalping site.  I then edit my original patreon post to add the new link and that solves the problem here.

Now there is an option to email patreons if i edit a post.  But I don't want to spam you all every time i do this.  So I just thought writing this one post to alert people to whats going on and why you may find your email link broken.

This will only go on as long as it has to.  I hope that once the patreon who is stealing my work realises that im actually making their work largely pointless they'll stop doing it. So to the person doing this.  Feel free to stop at any time please thanks.  I can only really draw the comics if I'm getting paid to do it so putting my patreon content out there for free (which lets face it is only 2-3 weeks ahead of where people on FA can read it for free anyway)  kinda messes up my ability to draw comics.

Anyway  Happy saturday everyone



That really sucks is there a way for you to block the person who has been taking your content?

Jalena (Little Legreedy)

Thats absolutely awful! 😩 i hate how some people just have absolutely no respect for artist, plus the fact u upload to a free site judt ugh. So rood!!! I hope they stop so they dont continue to make ur life harder 💕


I cant really tell who is doing it other than going thru 700 patreons and giving them each a slightly different next shine page and seeing which one pops up Im not sure theres an easy way to work out who it is sadly. Which is why im having to resort to breaking the link

samantha rebecca clarkson

You are not the only one that is getting content stollen and used with out notice. Stay strong little one. I do get emails as well as notification from here.


Sheesh! :( Some folks... :( Hope the offending site gets taken down soon... :(


I mean, I don't think it's necicarily the other site's dyrect fault, so blaming them instead of the patreon seems kinda rude.


Clearly, the thief is the one primarily to blame, and I was using "site" to mean the place Squiggle referred to as "the scalping site" (where the thief is publishing the copyright-breaking content). I do not know whether the site concerned is one owned by the thief, or a larger one the thief is taking advantage of (and if it's a larger site, whether it's one being mis-used by the thief, or one designed to do exactly this sort of "scalping"), but either way it's down to the site's owners to remove the copyright-breaking material.


You could split in halves over coming weeks with giving half of us a page that is slightly altered on the border or something would go from 700 to 350 to 175 to 63 to 32 to 16 to 8 and so forth just giving the alternate one to the group that the person is in


To refrain from extreme vulgarity I will instead say, That really really freaking bothers me 😡 To Squigg: I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this. It breaks my heart anyone would cause you such trouble when you’re so caring and kind :( To Rubbish Person (or People): It takes hours and hours to make content like this that so many others enjoy.. and you’re basically devaluing everything that’s been worked on. So you should be royally ashamed of yourselves.


Tyler i agree with you if you are able to get a list of all your Patreons Sammy (on a side note do you prefer squiggle or sammy) Put it into a spread sheet then divide them up with different links or altered pages. Then when this dummy uploads and you rinse and repeat till you find the moron in the hay stack... unless he stops... Any ways im sorry your having to deal with this.


Yeah I do not know who would be doing this to you because develope such great art work and comic stories for everybody to enjoy!!I know I wouldn't do that to you!! Hopefully you did not get hacked!!That is the worst thing that could happen if you got hacked through Patreon!! Hopefully you can get it under control so that you can continue to freely do what you have been doing for all of us soon again!!


I wonder dmitri if they think this is happening if they will stop at least for awhile


I don’t get it after about 3 to 2 weeks you give your artwork away for free therefore they’re paying money and giving it away when you already do that the only person they ripping off is themselves by sharing the privilege what we have when we support you but hopefully you don’t lose patrons over this and hopefully they don’t make a fake Patriot account to get pay for your artwork or use your artwork for a website where they can get paid for it. The one thing I like about supporting you is if I can’t afford it one month it just means I have to wait a few weeks to catch up and I can still access the comics from the beginning of the story and I don’t have to keep paying to read the beginning of the stories so please keep up the good work And I’m looking for two more comics


The site is actually designed specifically to host content from paywall sites like patreon/onlyfans/subscribestar so whilst it's an individual stealing my work to post there the website is intended for that exact purpose. The entire site is copywrite breaking material


It would take so much effort to keep tabs on who got which versions and patreon doesn't have a way (other than the tier system) of sending individuals emails other than me sending each one manually which would takes so long to sort out I'm not sure it's worth it. It's a good idea, just not with the volume of people I have here


That's seriously sucky. :( I hope they get caught stealing from some big publisher who *can* take them down...


How would it look like to protect the Dropbox links password


Aw man that sucks sorry squiggle:(