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Ahhhh where are they going?  I am excited for this next bit.  Come on, get there already I wanna PLAAAAAAYYYYY!!!! Where would be good to go?  Mebbe a petting zoo or a normal zoo...to see the lynxs..an lions and foxes....that might be weird. what about to the woods, where we can run and climb on stuff...oh but i probably hafta keep the dress clean huh.... Maybe i'm getting dropped off at a daycare so Em an Kim can have time together without me tagging along?  That would be mean...


OH!  Whilst you're here.  I need some characters for the next bit.  Particularly kid characters and actual adults(who are looking after the kids)  if you have any characters who fit either of those descriptions.  Please go check out this form (ignore the bit where it asks for money because you lot are already patreons so already giving me money) and fill it in and send it to me via my FA page babystar https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/7848971/  (just type your name in the name bit to sign it )



I love how safe they make Star feel. She slipped into little space so fast in the car 🥺🥰


Omg that last pannel. She really is heckin adorable. Actually this whole page is just <3


this page gave me a healthy dose of all kinds of wholesome and hilarious feelings all in one, also you don't have to confirm this or anything but that description you wrote out definitely felt like a little bit of double meaning like we're getting to the fun part and now you can start to have your own fun with the story from here


i can't wait to find out where they're going!! (and whether I'll be in it? i filled in the form!!)


super cute and wholesome, made my day happier


This definitely makes my Friday ☺️, shes feeling playful and safe❤️


I always look forward to Friday for a Shine release 😊 Love the panel of Kim and her smile ^.^ And Martin insisting Star be buckled by a grown up.. my heart melted. Star opened up quick, but she’s being so silly, they haven’t even pulled off the curb! Also, sayin’ she needs a wee, how silly, props for bein’ a big girl and telling them, but she’s much to littles to need to worry about that ;P Stylistically though I’m sure the intent was having an immediate slew of attention-seeking as soon as they got in the car, which is adorable :3


This is such a cute wholesome page, and I wish I could make an appearance in shine, but i dont have a character lol


Official adorable because I've done that so many times. Just ask my boyfriend and babysitter, they both have watched me completely lose it when I'm in the car. I immediately am a child and I love it


Cameo note sent! 😸


Oh Martin, I'm sure Star will fall asleep once she settles down. She's in the, back seat sleep trap


I don't know if it was intentional but I like the boxy, angular-shaped sedan/saloon. It reminds me of older cars from when I was a kid. Ahem, anyway -- nice page!


So cute, but I think star some car toys


A garden would be a great place to show off Star's dress, but it wouldn't be fun without littles to play with


Quick give her sugar. I hear it helps calm little ones. 😸


Star needs some candy and soda for the ride to calm her down for sure. Then her pacifier.🧃🍼🍭🍬


Some of the people in the comments are evil. And I WOULD consider submitting one of my characters IF I wasn't already putting them in a novel. So unless that's ok, ima have to keep them to myself.


Oh gosh Star is my hero! Shes the most adorable ever!


That's so adorable, though going to tire herself out :p