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Ahh Saffy, it's not quite time for bed for you.   I dunno who is gonna be more traumatised by the next few pages Saffy or Varden...I guess we'll see soon enough LOL




Yeah, Debbie's on my shit list now. She's just being nasty to Saffy left and right in my opinion. First the condescending "No, you didn't think," now this BS? I hope she gets some comeuppance in future pages.


Jeeeez Debbie. Saffie did most of the work here. Her knowhow with cars got the guy and she came up with a good lie that got you all back to base. Then you give her a crap score and dump Vardin on her like that? Not to mention her attitude with the wig. They gave no training or instructions on how this works and she's upset when Saffie screws up. She really does seem to only be in for it for the sex


I know Debs has some baggage but considering the lack of instruction instruction and guidance she gave Saffie I think some of this attitude is out of line. I don't think Saff should judge her over her methods but Debbie shouldn't have left her to try to work things out on her own or be so mean with her 'you didn't think' comment and leaving Saff with Varden when Saff doesn't know what to do. That isn't good for Varden either


Yep! I stand corrected! Debbie was onto to something! Poor Saffy and Varden, nether of them deserve this. Like everyone else, I think we all kinda hope some karma bites her butt in the future.


They'll be fine. 😁 I just wish I could get our little moo ready for bed. He's such a cutie! 🥰


I'd say the same thing about saffie but her head would explode lol