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I really like this page.  Stars been sort of wrong footed for this whole sequence and now that its coming toa  close she's back on her feet and back to being herself again, you can see she's back in her own comfort zone with this page and thats kinda lifted this weird weight off my shoulders.  As much as its fun being mean to her sometimes I do ultimately want her to live a happy life LOL.

Anyway look at the page before you read any further ok


I remember having this conversation with my husband years and years and aeons ago now.  When we had first just met and we didnt really know each other, but when you take that step and let your kink friends mingle with your normie friends, thats kinda quite a leap in the relationship, that shows that you trust them.



Super Cute! Love the new Page!


I’m glad we got this “chapter” behind our backs now, so we can look forward to the more fun stuff again. I loved it, but for Star’s sake, I’m glad this weight is of her shoulders as well ☺️

samantha rebecca clarkson

Yes it is little one. It is hard not to be yourself and have not to be yourself at the same time


I really love that bratty response from star


for some strange reason this is starting to remind me of Cobra Kai, I don't know why though >~>


She punched him....that can only mean one thing ^_^

Jacky Blue

This feels.. Unfinished, somehow... Really would wanna see what happens on. The way back to base

Jacky Blue

I know, the wrapup was a bit sudden and I really wanna knooow what the two will discuss on their way to base :3


She wants to see him live, thank goodness.


Great work as always.