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I don't know about any of you but for me if my imagination isnt engaged there's like zero arousal.  I see myself as asexual.  I'm not a fan of sex and anything...penetrative.  Im also...very easily turned off by..noises like anything wet/slobbery just makes my stomach flip in a bad way...which as im sure a few folk probably know, sex isn't a tidy business it gets pretty..noisy.  So like me and sex have a fairly complicated relationship...which could probably mostly be fixed by a pair of ear defenders...This is far tooo TMI this time in the morning huh. Sorry. Bleurgh.

The TMI is im not a fan of sex stuff I never have been, but engage my mind into the right diaper fantasy and that can get me turned on quicker than a light switch.  




Saffy has a nice fantasy o///o


Oh my hehe love this


Well I think you are doing just fine for someone turned off by sex, and even saffy found a way to get comfortable ❤️


We had a clue Saffy is into somekind of ABDL stuff, but geeze <3 <3 <3. Even if its just an imaginary scene, I'm so hopeful we will see more scene relevant to nursing. Seriously ABDL nursing,lactation,breastfeeding is still so underappreciated in arts and comics so I'm always glad to follow your arts and seeing it as a reoccurring fantasy of the characters. Someday I need to draw a silly minicomic where Star and Saffy chat with eachother via a stranger chatroom about nursing haha.


Don’t we all fantasize about this? 😳☺️

The Mooiest MooKau

And now I don't think I will be satisfied until Saffy's in a role where she's on the team, doing her work, but totally immersed in being a big baby mechanic for all the rest of the Cottontail Crew. Oh goodness gracious I want to see her slip totally under Cleo's thumb until the point of no return is reached.


Its amazing. X3 She works around a bunch of people who would definitely understand her being an AB... yet she's still convinced she can't tell them. Ah man... been there... not with ABDL specifically but, been there.


Damn that little mishap in her workshop really got that imagination running wild.


Caught Up finally! Now to do shine in a few days.


Honestly I totally get this stuff for the most part sex on a carnal level makes me feel gross and wrong but with some imagination I am right there, but even so its a challenge and if I don't find the right head space its just not gunna happen. As far as things are concerned this sexual pages aren't exactly my fav but I still find the social exchange going on important to flesh out more about these so far wonderful interesting characters. :) Plus diaper play is just the tops!


Yeah i agree in terms of if you're not in the right head space it doesnt matter whats going on down below it's not gonna amount to anything. Its been really interesting from an artistic point of view for me in terms of drawing all this stuff...and there is a smattering of plot kinda thrown into this bit in terms of Saffya nd Debbies personality and relationship building. Like I guess this is a team building exercise at work? LOL but yeah the comic isnt gonna have too many scenes like this. I just hope that doesnt disappoint too many people


If only team building exercises could all be so intimate... XD. I would hope people wouldn't knock you for not having too much stuff like this beings its kind of out of your realm of comfy anyway. I mean its here because it serves a purpose within the story right ? so beyond that its not like needlessly have to be tossing this stuff in. I am a firm believer in moderation...unless its related to sweets then i want all the sugar :P.