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Sorry Matt/Marellis  you might get a bit of a scuffing at some point in the not too distant future...It's not my fault you've only yourself to blame really.

Also I'm surprised no one mentioned what P...Martin......(Do you know every single time I type Martin I half type Paul first and hafta delete it LOL)  Im sure im gonna accidentally call him paul in a page at some point....errr...anyway The bottom panel I'm surprised no-one pointed that out when I first revealed Marellis had been filming.

Have a Shine page.



Sabrina Liney

I love how marten is handling this, he's the best

Aaon Kacey

Marten is awesome. I figured this is how he would handle it when Star was first thinking about telling him


💕 best page i love how protective martin is ;v;


I actually thought he had just started filming with his phone as he saw Star. But now that you pointed it out, it's really weird. Matt/Marellis is really in trouble now, when the other littles and their caretakers get wind of him filming at the events.


As time goes on, this comic looks more like something that would be posted on r/ProRevenge, and I absolutely L O V E it!


This made already cry-y me even more cry-y.


I love how his brain works. ❤️


Damn I hadn't even thought this wasn't just a crime of opportunity.


I can't wait to see that evil piece of work get brought to justice.


I don’t think we have seen star this vulnerable before. Even within the kink panels she was still strong. You did a good job portraying her helplessness.


Did you make Martin’s head bigger than hers here as a subtle power thing?


Matt is gonna get his come uppence. I wonder what will happen. Also, props for Martin for being a true friend and sticking his neck out for Star. Hell I'd share a few bottles of beer with the dude


Without giving any spoilers, I know what's going to happen, and I promise you will love the punishment he is going to receive. Trust me it will be worth the wait


Matt: I'm a Man I can handle it... I hope... maybe... I don't know. We'll just have to wiat and see i guess? Crap crap crap I screwed up big time didn't i?


Whats even more funny is, thinking about it, you even dropped a hit of that point before. There is page 229 where Matt is jotting down a timestamp and the big reveal on page 293 with that same timestamp which is 17:12. Why would he need a timestamp if all he was doing was getting video of Star?


rfff Makes me really scared for everyone involved. I hope it goes smoothly.


I was so so sure someone was going to guess he'd been filming others before this point. and yeah jotting down teh time of when star appears in his footage woudnlt be neccessary if it was only footage of star he had taken :D


I am so eager to see Matt get his comupance. Not sure how I had not caught that timestamp bit


Kinda curious as to why Matt is as f-ed Up in the first place, being an abusive fetishist doesn’t seem like a kind of mentality that one just arrives at in a healthy function


Martin raised a point adjacent to something that'd been on my mind ever since; no-one just wakes up in the morning and decides to turn into an abusive creep; that Star can't be the first or only person he's pulled this crap with. Except it really goes a lot further than that, I guess


Exactly. How many innocent littles did he put online or sell to websites? How many littles did he force to engage in ABDL play with him using blackmail? And even more chilling to think about, how many times has he forced these littles to do ABDL stuff with him, possibly including sexual violating them, only to release the content online and ruin their lives anyway when he got bored of them? If he's done this for a long while, there's no telling how many people he's used up and ruined doing this...


I'm not saying it hasn't happened, I don't know his background in the story, just if he had done something like this before, why hadn't anyone else come forward and exposed him. But we all know its Stars story, and for the future plot to work this had to happen.


Anyone good enough at being this kind of asshole is also good enough to indimidate multiple people into /not/ coming forward. It's one of the reasons the floodgates often open after one person does.


Hell ya Martin show Marellis what it means to betray others trust. Love this one