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I just wanna give Star a hug really.  I wasn't quite in her predicament but I do remember the hopelessness of finding yourself suddenly in a situation that you can't see a way out of.

 My ex-fiancee, my ex-daddy and my housemate all ganged up together and started spreading lies about me to protect themselves and I had no voice.  No one really in my corner other than one friend (who later down the line we grew suepr close and now I've been married to him for like 12 years LOL)

.The three of them had all the cards and I remember just feeling so confused about how it had gone so badly so quickly and how betrayed I felt, that the people I loved the most were being so cruel.   I stupidly thought that if I just tried to keep my head down didn't make a fuss they would go away and lose interest, but that just meant the only voices being heard were theirs.  I dropped off the ABDL scene for a couple of years after that.....  One day maybe I'll write it all down...

eerrrrr...have a shine page...




Big hug for you AND star! I’m proud of how you overcame this situation in real life and how Star is trying to do the same. Let’s have faith in them 💪


I was gonna hug them, too. Can I hug them next? *Shows the looooooong line of people who want to give them both a hug.*


Hugs, while I never want to treat my baby wrong I know emotions can play with folks choices so this is why I have always wanted anyone under me to have those outside my sphere of influence thy have relationships with to always keep me in check.


Backstory! Backstory! We gonna see Martin's backstory! Yes? Maybe? Please? I'm so excited for the next few pages.


I've said this before, but I want to say it again, thank you for sharing this difficult and cruel part of your life with us. As much as things like this shouldn't happen to people in the first place, it's empowering to others who have gone through the same or similar situations to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, there is a way through it. So while Martins last few words in the comic are easy enough for anyone to say, there is an extra level of empathy and sincerity behind them. Sorry if i'm getting overly gushy, it's just these pages where the reality of the situation hits Star in the head with a bat make me connect and feel for her super hard.


Poor Star. Martin's reassuring words tella you she has someone to turn to. But there are others too who are aware of her kink, and they will all come to her defense I am reckoning.

Sabrina Liney

I love how marten is so understanding and how much trust they have in each other ❤❤❤❤