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This is a really weird page for me to draw.  

It just looks wrong LOL

I'm sure everything will be fine.  Well... back to work we go.  wonder how we're gonna deal with Marellis today.  Star seems a bit more confident...maybe she has a plan?

Have a shine page




Damn.... It just looks so odd


I think it looks nice 😅

Emily Wells

No no no why is this happening!!! Why is he doing this to her, I’m crying right now this is abuse of power. Please please tell some how things go back to normal and he is ostracized by the community. Please Star >~<

Emily Wells

Sorry I get emotionally invested in characters in stories I care about >~<


she's gone back to her natural colour. at least Marellis didnt pick black or deep red or something. I think that would have looked awful.


I forgot why she dyed her hair. Cried. 😢


She is super cute with her natural hair though. 😁


Who is THAT Lynx? A new character?




I dont think it was actually revealed why she dyed it so you can be forgiven for not knowing LOL


You know Star is distressed when she does not correct you when you tell her her hair ever was "pink" instead of light purple. I hope she has a plan that goes smoothly to the desired outcome D:

Fisk Marellis

Oh boy, people are going to flip when this page goes live.


This is one of the pages that tugs at my heartstrings the most. :( Ughhhhhhh, that look. :(


You're so good at storytelling because this page put me so on edge with worry. I hope Marellis gets run over by a car or something cuz he is evil to do this to her.

samantha rebecca clarkson

As you will need one. It would be good if manda found out about the Sargent and what he has made poor star do.


I think the mention of her brother and the realization of what she did is going to hit her really hard on the way to work. *hugs kitten* 😥


Doesn't look bad at all i think. But knowing she dyed her hair because of her brother is still a bit sad


That's it. Marellis is dead. I am reporting black mail to the higher ups.


I dont like 😡 why would he do that


I love the story so far, even if I'm really uncomfortable with the blackmail part. REally makes me hate that kind of people, and that's not the kind of feeling I'm searching on a comics, but your work is still fantastics, keep going :D (Yeah, I'm sensitive on that kind of subject ^^)


yeah the blackmail part is supposed to be uncomfortable really, but dont worry its not gonna last a huge deal longer in the great scheme of things




I'm still going to hold strong with my theory that this unfortunate turn of events is a Trojan benefit to Star. This reaction will be everyone's reaction. Yuri is already suspicious that she is in some kind of trouble, and anyone who knows her will see this change in hair as at least an odd sign. The piece about her brother makes this sting that much more, but think of it this way: its dye. Even if it matches it's not actually Star's natural hair color, just a facsimile she is forced to maintain.


As much as l love this comic and I know the story will change, I really hate stuff like this. Brings up a lot of past feelings of “I told you so, I knew you were a freak, and this is what you get for trusting others with who you really are”. Sorry for the vent comment but this one in particular struck a blow.


*hugs* Sometimes we put our hearts out there and they get trampled. Its true. that shouldnt stop you for putting your heart back out therer again. Life is full of risk and sometimes we have to be a little bit reckless with it to get the things we want. The first steps of my AB/DL journey were messy/chaotic/positively shambolic I did dangerous things and I was hurt and taken advantage of and ....I learnt a lot. the comic will tackle distressing subjects at points but life is like that. good things and bad but the good bits are always worth it


You’re right, I just wish it wasn’t such a hard fought battle at times. Especially for people with nothing but good intentions who just want to try an better themselves


It took me a few seconds to realize that was star. A shell of her former self. I hope she will be rewarded in the long run with her embarrassing situation and will not escalate further because of that sarge fellow