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Throws confetti everywhere.

HUZZAH!  We made it.  What a nice round number.  it took 6 years to get to 300 pages...but only took 4 years to do the same in Found... I guess maybe because teh quality was....kinda dubious back then i could sometimes do like...4 pages in a day hahah.  im slower these days I guess but thats because everyone has like...knees and fingers and important joints like that, which werent so prevalent in Found.  So I can take out the knees if people want and then that might speed up my shine page production maybe?  Its worth a shot....

Oh have a page of Shine


I think the severity of her predicament finally hit her.





*Keeps het hair out of her face* Poor Star 😟


Hey it’s no drama honey, you take all the time you need to make sure that the pages are coming out to your best liking! It’s always well worth the wait 🧡


Till now I also thought that he was merely scaring her with the purchases, but... wow I guess I would react similarly °o°


Hrrrrk is a good noise. Ive been waiting for ages to draw this page LOL


Poor Star, having something so special violated like this. As an audience we've seen this coming for a few weeks now , but to see it fully hit her, mentally and physically, makes me sad. I wonder if Marellis even realizes or considers what he is doing is sexual abuse. Great work as always though, these strong emotional responses will only make the catharsis of him getting whats coming to him all the better.

Night Mist

Well that's harrassment at it's finest. I hope Marellis gets his comupance. Hopefully someone is gonna be able to get Star out of her situation.


Given how much pleasure he seems to have taken in it so far? My gut says he knows. He just doesn't care.


Well damn, guess 300 was the magic number. I lean well to the sadistic side of this fetish, and these kind of fantasy scenarios are usually my jam, but this hit my empathy buttons pretty hard. Can't wait to see where this goes.


I vote yes on removing knees, perhaps all joints, but only from Marellis. From what I've heard a baseball bat can take away kneecaps. Removing the others might be difficult, but I'm sure you could crowdsource a solution.


I had to find out what was going to happen to her. I'm glad she got out of that for now. At least I can sleep peacefully.