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I can't express how much it means to me that you wish to support my artwork and creations. 
I hope that you will enjoy seeing this page grow and if there's every anything specific you'd be interested in seeing then don't hesitate to get in contact (through my furaffinity accounts Babystar) and let me know. 

There is a private telegram group specifically for Patreons no matter which tier you're on (though anyone under the $10 might end up seeing spoilers to comics) . The link for the group changes regularly so there's not much point putting it here. but if you're on telegram and would like to join the group please send me a message either here on Patreon or via Telegram @sqynx to get access to the group

Also if you could fill in this form So I have the info I need to draw your character
Tell me about your character
Added: 2023-01