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heres a little beat off the next girls rituals thing im trying to make... pls dont ruin the suprise for anybody else. 

its gonna be different but good (i hope).. a bit more frantic and negative than stuff ive been doing recently. =_= a lot of times i feel like i need to hold back on negative shit these days since ppl like half my age listen to my music and i want them to hve a better life than me & not be a shitstain but. i need to drain some gross shit out of my mind... this is my main outlet & i kinda need to do what i feel like..idk..... sometimes as a "creative" person it feels too easy to plant the seeds for the destructive and wrong ideas in somebody elses head. but what am i supposed to do with all my destructive and wrong ideas, right? \o/ whatever i guess

happy new year! lets make it a different year than the last one




Clint is right. Negative emotions expressed through music is actually kinda therapeutic in a sense, for the listener as well. It's really helpful to let some steam out by listening (and also singin along) to that kind of stuff. Btws, the track was great, can't wait for your next release <3 thanks for sharing


your negative songs help me get through it, yeah