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wow yay!! i see a few new people on here today! thats something i appreciate a lot!! and all of yall that been here since the beginning too... ofc u know ilu

anyways... heres another song that was going to be on MOM 3...  for the last 8 years i have been constantly going on and off my hormone meds, the effect of which is endless puberty & reverse-puberty cycling. this is not recommended .

i really care about this song but.. its specifically about being a trans woman and disliking yourself. i dont want other trans women to hear it and be hurt...and i dont want non trans ppl to hear it and think the slur in it is supposed to be funny. its serious to me even tho its framed in a way that sounds like a joke

so ultimately/.. even tho this song is important to me, i dont feel comfortable just sharing it openly online... Luckily now we can have a secret club where i can share horrible things like this :) 


even now i suffer, 

trapped in terrible terror

are you afraid of me? 

because im afraid of you, i know

im also afraid of the passing of time 

and change and age

but thats ok, 

ill wake up one of these days

but until then

ill remain burning alive 

in an embarrassing stage

an adolescent flame

overtime puberty that came far too late to save me

i just wanted a nice vacation for the two of us but...

everytime i look at you im struck by how cool you are

i wish i seemed exciting or at least somehow risky to you

like a freaky weird tranny in a g string whos totally down to fuck

but you know im pretty much just a really boring stoner 

who doesnt bathe often enough




i know this is an old post but omg !! ever since i heard a clip of this on your instagram i've been looking for it everywhere @__@ i'm so glad i found your patron and the full tune of this song, u are one of my fav artists and i'm happy i get to support u