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I just wanna make the world smile
I just wanna make the world dance
God knows where I am
God knows where I am

You can touch my angel wing
Yank a feather from my back
You can have all the love in the world
Even if the world 's damned

I just wanna make the whole earth smile
I just wanna make the whole earth smile
I try so hard, I did a lot
Do you believe me?

I just wanna make the whole earth smile
I just wanna make the world smile
Do you think I'm bad
Do you think I'm wrong
Or I'm too slutty

I think
Sometimes it hurts to feel empty
I think
I'd do
Something weird to get the feeling inside

I thought
I'd just die if someone touched me
I think
I'd just prefer to die

Clawed hands
tear away at your skin
There's something else underneath

It hurts
It feels
So good
Like a glowing new shape
You look like nothing that you've ever seen before

I just want to be different
I just wanted to choose
Grinded up and repurposed
A deflated baloon
Never fit in the old me
Always hated the new
Always thought I was useless
But I'm perfect for you




This fucking slaps!!!!!!!


Dances as hard as i can