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THE GOTH has won the vote to be the Fire Scout, everyone please welcome CINDER, who is now in the game, ready to lose battles and breed monsters in the new, fantastic feature...

CERBERUS, and its unevolved form: CERBERPUP, won their monster poll and are added to the game.

Voting on the fourth scout, NORMA, begins:

Voting on the January monster, the next VEG type monster begins, it is between a Cervitaur, and a Dryad.

Added 3 “New” unlocks. They are the 2nd, more difficult level of the first three. Evolution Master, achieved by evolving 12 monsters, grants you ANOTHER evolution stone at the start, so you can begin with three. MEDIC is attained by using 75 healing items, it is interesting because once unlocked it makes potions and ethers more EFFECTIVE, they both restore +15 hp / ep. SCAVENGER is earned by looting 25 containers, and once unlocked you’ll find bonus potions in containers. The final level of these unlocks might come soon but will be very hard to achieve.

The Achievements script is now also tracking how many battles you lose, how many you flee, and how many you WIN. It is also tracking how many days you have survived (easy since theres no day night cycle and not obedience / calories mechanic) and its tracking how many monster births occur... So that's a hint on the next slew of Achievements coming in February.

As requested, you can only randomly find stones of monster types that are in the game right now.

There is a new Zone, the bright forest. Although it isn’t loaded with brand new assets it feels good to have more than one significant area in the game. I have decided I will add the DARK FOREST, next month, the area to the LEFT of the starting zone it will be much smaller though since you won’t get the abilities needed to traverse it until later (also you might notice some closed cave looking things on the maps, strange).

There is now a clock in the game, hit T, to display the clock. For now days last 240 seconds. This will be alterable by YOU in the future. This is the V1 of the clock.

When the player resets their run the party is healed to half HP. Hopefully this ends the confusion for players who think they are getting inta-lossed after losing one scout and then NOT healing their party.

Stables V1 are working.

Stables V1 are working.

Stables V1 are working.

Q: Why was it such a big deal for the stables to get done why couldn’t the game’s first alpha have it?

A: Pregnancy is fucking complicated. In order to support the stables a load of other systems have to exist; multiple scouts need to be in the game for it to make sense, I need to track the status of the wombs of each scout, there needs to be a clock to track the countdown to birth, there needs to be a REASON to breed the scouts, meaning genetics needs to be in play, stud monsters need to be stored in a whole new storage system. Eggs need a whole storage system and hatch time system. BASICALLY, there’s a ton of shit that needs doing and a load of new variables that need to be tracked that cannot be considered ‘normal’ monster catching boiler plate code.

Monster genetics V1 are now in play. There’s a 10% chance a monster may be born with GOOD genetics, and then a 10% chance that might result in EXCEPTIONAL genetics, and then a 10% chance that a monster will have PERFECT genetics. Monsters never parent monsters with worse genetics. Each of these genetics bonuses confer increasing blanket stat boosts. ALSO a monster descended from a scout will have a higher max obedience, and can EAT MORE BOOST FRUITS (not in the game yet).

The stables still need a lot of work to be more usable, like the ability to tab over offspring and studs to see the genetic boons they have unlocked. Necessary since I know you degenerate fucks are like me and will will be farming out our heroines to create monsters with perfect genetics on a semi-industrial scale. Furthermore I think I will be introducing a new mechanic soon that will allow you to collect genetic samples and help ensure you are ALWAYS inching closer to genetic upgrades for your offspring, just by mass reproducing. Since it feels bad to lay a load of eggs, get no boosts, and then release a load of monsters. At least the BUG types (so far) have the OVIPOSITOR keyword allowing the bug type to LOAD UP your poor lost scouts with offspring. To compensate for Bugs being good early game breeders, I think they will eventually need to be a bit weaker in combat.

Loads of features I would love to add here, animated pregnant sprites, pregnant sprites of further size, pregnancy TYPES other than just eggs, and of course, animated births. So speaking of bugs, get to it, lets get to breaking this update so I can get to patching it.

Combat now announces when a SUPER effective hits are scored, all of the future element types are included in the calculus.

The XXX animations in combat now get faster as the monster approaches climax, finishing up with a drastic jump to x3 speed. Makes the countdown feel more desperate (and the monsters more frantic to breed). I was shocked by how much I enjoy this one little change.

The Bee, Wolf, Sheep, and Cerberus monster lineages are now exclusively found in the BRIGHT FOREST area. As more areas are added the monsters will be spread out between them, but starting zones like Rosdew will always be quite populated with a diverse array of monsters so that runs will feel varied.

Fixed Warwolf’s lore, which now displays correctly. Not bad for work done over a Christmas break.

Oh and you can resize the window now.


lin dark

hey there's a invisible bit of collision near a stump its just above the rose filled grass and is near the stump with different colored flowers just to the right of the chest stump hope that's good as i cant send a screen cap


Shit cause I have no idea what that means. But its in rosedew. Could it be a little bush BEHIND a tree? New version just went btw.

lin dark

here is that wall https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1160734784658616334/1192954671439024271/image.png?ex=65aaf49d&is=65987f9d&hm=e2305186839101c876288e7eb15cb9543651a22d4901d3c9e8d20bca9440ff8e&