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Choose What We Stream On New Show Plus!

  • Two Tens Vengeance - The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 99
  • Judging Game Of The Year Lists 95
  • Steamboat Willie Is A MinnMax Property 51
  • Two Oceans 63
  • 2024-01-08
  • —2024-01-09
  • 308 votes
{'title': 'Choose What We Stream On New Show Plus!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Two Tens Vengeance - The Texas Chain Saw Massacre', 'votes': 99}, {'text': 'Judging Game Of The Year Lists', 'votes': 95}, {'text': 'Steamboat Willie Is A MinnMax Property', 'votes': 51}, {'text': 'Two Oceans', 'votes': 63}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 9, 17, 21, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 8, 20, 57, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 308}


Every week New Show Plus lets supporters at the Backstage Pass tier on Patreon vote to choose a new show for us to create, or to continue an older show from a previous week. If you missed the reveal, you can learn more about the format in this quick video.

So check out your options below, and vote to choose the next episode we create for New Show Plus airing Tuesday on Twitch!

Two Tens Vengeance - The Texas Chain Saw Massacre - It's time for the games we did dirty on The Two Tens GOTY debate to get their payback. On this show, Haley MacLean would teach Sarah Podzorski the joy of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre video game! They'd kill people with a chainsaw, if you're into that.

Judging Game Of The Year Lists - After our Game of the Year debate, let's judge other people's lists! We'd take suggestions from the community on lists to judge and also reflect on our own Two Tens lists from previous years.

Steamboat Willie Is A MinnMax Property - Since Disney's Steamboat Willie is now in the public domain, we'd recruit MinnMax's resident IP lawyer Haley MacLean to talk about copyright law while creating a bunch of content and claiming ownership over Steamboat Willie.

Two Oceans - With Ben Hanson vacationing in Puerto Rico and Kelsey Lewin in Seattle, what if we had a show where we just streamed the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean at the same time? Here ya go!

Choose wisely, and may the best show win! Remember you can vote on multiple shows if there are a few you're interested in, and the winner will be back on the poll next week for a potential follow-up episode! Also, shows that lose may reappear in future polls.

We’ll be going live at noon Central on Tuesday, so see you on our Twitch channel! Feel free to follow us or shoot a sub our way (you have a free one with Amazon Prime), we'd really appreciate the support!



Richard Hayes

If Two Oceans gets picked then I have a theme for my MinnHax game next year


I'm coming in at the penultimate hour and still voting for the the bottom two options 😂