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On this week’s episode of our bonus podcast Party Chat, Ben Hanson and Haley MacLean talk about…

- Our holiday breaks

- Visiting Puerto Rico

- The "objective" Two Tens ranking

- Starfield's ending

- MinnMax content survey results

- How to keep MinnMax growing strong

- New Years gaming resolutions

- The best way to play Final Fantasy VII

If you want to join the Party Chat every single week and talk to us about what you’ve been playing, watching, or ask any question under the sun, jump up to the MinnMax Council tier! We’d love to hear from you. Party Chat is recorded each week in the Discord, there’s a Stage called MinnMax Party Chat. You’ll see it if you join the $20 tier. Jump in there and you’ll be good to go. Let us know if you have any questions!


Christian Feliciano

Omg, I’m from PR and I was back for Christmas. If I’d ran into you in SJ I would’ve lost my mind 😂

Christopher Ponce

I want to hear a “2024 Predictions” episode of the podcast. Going round robin with the hosts and having them do 5 predictions each that we come back to next January to see who got what right. Please please please 🙏