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Choose What We Stream On New Show Plus!

  • Hitman FreeLeoancer 70
  • Super Party 98
  • Junk Curling 88
  • Viva Podzorski - Episode 3 35
  • 2023-02-06
  • —2023-02-07
  • 291 votes
{'title': 'Choose What We Stream On New Show Plus!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Hitman FreeLeoancer', 'votes': 70}, {'text': 'Super Party', 'votes': 98}, {'text': 'Junk Curling ', 'votes': 88}, {'text': 'Viva Podzorski - Episode 3 ', 'votes': 35}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 7, 5, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 6, 22, 33, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 291}


Every week New Show Plus lets supporters at the Backstage Pass tier on Patreon vote to choose a new show for us to create, or to continue an older show from a previous week. If you missed the reveal, you can learn more about the format in this quick video.

So check out your options below, and vote to choose the next episode we create for New Show Plus airing Tuesday on Twitch!

Hitman FreeLeoancer - The new roguelite-esque mode has been added to Hitman and Leo Vader loves it. He'll show you why and take suggestions from the chat in Hitman's new Freelancer mode.

Super Party - Let's revive the show from last year where we ate wings and chips and drank beer while watching a perfect AI simulation of the Super Bowl, this time it'll be in NFL Blitz.

Junk Curling - Leo Vader and Ben Hanson will go out on the real ice in Minnesota and go curling with random household objects.

Viva Podzorski - Episode 3 - Can Sarah's Viva Piñata garden keep thriving? Will the piñatas all eat each other? There's only one way to find out.

Choose wisely, and may the best show win! Remember you can vote on multiple shows if there are a few you're interested in, and the winner will be back on the poll next week for a potential follow-up episode! Also, shows that lose may reappear in future polls.

We’ll be going live at noon Central on Tuesday, so see you on our Twitch channel! Feel free to follow us or shoot a sub our way (you have a free one with Amazon Prime), we'd really appreciate the support!



Patrick Polk

The thumbnail for Junk Curling is tremendous.


Can't wait for biltz to be played