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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Janet Garcia, and Sarah Podzorski. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, news story, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner, pictured below! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Xbox Developer Direct

- Forspoken

- Tchia

- Fire Emblem Engage

- Pocket Card Jockey Ride On

- Sony DualSense Edge Controller review

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live on Wednesday at 3pm Central, with an exclusive pre and post show. The unedited archive will be available to view after the fact. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hello Minnmaxers How old is your oldest shirt? I’m still holding on to a metroid shirt that came with the metroid prime trilogy in 2009! I haven’t worn it in maybe 5 years but I can’t bring myself to throw it out. Am I nuts? Are you guys nuts also???


Hi minnmaxers, Do you think some publishers undervalue their games? I think of how some publishers like Ubisoft have a track record of putting their games on steep sales a month or two after release. I know they put out a press release about Mario and Rabbids underperforming and it’s now been on sale for 25% off multiple times. Compared to Nintendo which rarely puts games on sale this desire to move units at any cost seems to be cheapening the games and making them a harder day one sell. Or do you think this strategy is inevitable as we have more options of what games to play and how to legally do so?


Hi MinnMaxers! Tonight I was walking my dog while listening to the HBO Last of Us podcast, and they included Clicker audio in a really unexpected spot. I didn't immediately realize what was happening, so I just thought some demon was hiding in the bushes that I couldn't see. I can't remember the last time I was so genuinely scared about something like that. What was the last thing that really terrified you?


Hello Computer Loving Cohorts! Been a long time listener/lurker since the beginning ever since the Game Informer days. I haven't interacted as much but always tried to set aside some time to listen to the weekly podcasts. It is time to change that! (the interacting part not the listening part). And I decided what better way than to ask a question? Well with Forspoken having come out this week and all of the viral clips of its dialogue making it's way around the internet, I wanted to ask you all if there is a line of dialogue SO bad in a video game franchise you love and if it impacted your opinion on that game. I just feel like with it being a new IP, people have been being pretty harsh on that game (even though I also find some of the dialogue a bit weird as well). Bonus points if you can quote it! Think it would be fun to hear from everyone. My example is "That was undefinable proof that we totally owned you lamers" - From Ben's favorite franchise, Kingdom Hearts. Excited to hear ya'lls quotes, take care!


What are your most nostalgic, one-off games (first game in the series without sequel) that you pray to see one day, when you no longer can see past 2K resolution cause you're so old? Mine is Psi-Ops: the Mindgate Conspiracy on PS2. They pinky promised "To be continued!!!" Also best physics at that time.


Hey all, did you catch the Steamworld announcements and their new city building game? Do you think they are making the right move using Steamworld as a theme to explore new genres in each game? What would you want from the other 3 Steamworld games in development?

Mars Barrow

Good day CLCs and friends. What are your go to snacks at the movie theater? Do you do candy and popcorn? Pretzels? Soda? Or are you a bit wild and buy yourself pizza or a burger ever? I'm a big fan of DOTS, Swedish Fish and Sour Patch Kids. Also, do you recreate snacktime at home on big movie nights? Lovin' the show! -Mars


Hey minnmax, guilty pleasure is a term I don’t like because there really shouldn’t be any guilt in something you find pleasure in for the most part. That being said there isn’t another term that really describes what guilty pleasure describes. So what I’m getting at is, what’s a game, or song, or piece of media altogether that you love or play that doesn’t really fit in with what you enjoy but you enjoy anyways. I used to love heavier metal, but recently started listening to Taylor swift when she dropped folklore and absolutely fell in love with it. Now I primarily listen to music that I describe as “sad girl music.” Also, I am not a visual novel kinda guy but this rereleased persona 3 portable is pretty stinking cool. Anyways, thanks for all you do and I look forward to the podcast.


Hey MinnMaxers, In the last few weeks I have heard a few games journalists talk about the use of walkthroughs in regards to not having time to beat games without them sometimes. As I have gotten older I have also noticed myself becoming perhaps less patient and quicker to go to a walkthrough when I find myself stuck on a puzzle. I feel like I just have less time for games and don't want to spend an exorbitant amount of time banging my heads against the same puzzle. Does anyone else have this same issue or should I be put in gamer jail? Thanks, Caleb


Hey gang! As a kid, what was your prized possession?


Gday all, probably a question better suited to last week's episode, but what do you predict will be your top 10 games of 2023? Be interesting to see how much your predictions differ at the end of the year.


I just started playing Persona 5 for the fifth time and it got me wondering… What video game have you played over and over again, or—if you’re not a replayer—what video game have you spent the most time playing? I will never get enough of Persona 5 Royale or Fire Emblem 3 Houses 😅