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Choose What We Stream On New Show Plus!

  • Sledding 104
  • Forging Memories 30
  • Mario Party Time 68
  • Sales Pitch - Age of Mythology 98
  • 2023-01-23
  • —2023-01-24
  • 300 votes
{'title': 'Choose What We Stream On New Show Plus!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Sledding', 'votes': 104}, {'text': 'Forging Memories ', 'votes': 30}, {'text': 'Mario Party Time', 'votes': 68}, {'text': 'Sales Pitch - Age of Mythology', 'votes': 98}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 24, 5, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 23, 20, 42, 13, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 300}


Every week New Show Plus lets supporters at the Backstage Pass tier on Patreon vote to choose a new show for us to create, or to continue an older show from a previous week. If you missed the reveal, you can learn more about the format in this quick video.

So check out your options below, and vote to choose the next episode we create for New Show Plus airing Tuesday on Twitch!

Sledding - JeffM, Leo, and Hanson would hit the actual snowy slopes in Minnesota for some intense races and all-around goofin' on sleds. (JeffM and Hanson pictured here)

Forging Memories - Leo Vader and Ben Hanson dive into Halo Infinite's Forge mode and find the coolest and weirdest maps and modes made by the community.

Mario Party Time - Four of us play Mario Party 1 or 2 online together thanks to the Nintendo Switch. How have we not done this yet?

Sales Pitch - Age of Mythology - For the show's third episode, Ben Hanson will tell you the tale of what makes Ensemble's 2003 RTS Age of Mythology so good. Do you like Odin from God of War Ragnarok? He's in this game! Do you like Isis? Wait, don't answer that.

Choose wisely, and may the best show win! Remember you can vote on multiple shows if there are a few you're interested in, and the winner will be back on the poll next week for a potential follow-up episode! Also, shows that lose may reappear in future polls.

We’ll be going live at noon Central on Tuesday, so see you on our Twitch channel! Feel free to follow us or shoot a sub our way (you have a free one with Amazon Prime), we'd really appreciate the support!




While I want Mario Party in my heart, Sledding and Sales Pitch are two great spur of the moment options... but my curiosity for Age of Mythology wins.


The primal little part of my brain that always bullied me into trying to stand up on the sled as a kid cast my vote without the rest of my brain’s permission. The number of times I effed up my ankles as a kid? May or may not have been related.