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Hey everybody! We hope you've wrapped up Jak and Daxter for The Deepest Dive because now's the time to submit your thoughts on the game! Please don't spoil anything from future entries in the series in your comment though.

Submit one comment below and please get specific. Don't write a long review, please keep your one comment to around the length of a tweet. I repeat: please keep your one comment to around the length of a tweet. We want to get to as many comments as possible. Let's get specific, submit a comment about your favorite enemy design, NPC, line of dialogue from Daxter, animation, etc. The more specific you are, the higher the odds of us reading your comment during the discussion. We'll finish collecting comments on Wednesday evening.

We're recording The Deepest Dive on Jak and Daxter on Thursday at 1:30pm Central, and you can watch us record it live on MinnMax's Twitch channel. You can unlock the podcast version of the discussion in your favorite podcast app by supporting MinnMax at the $5 tier.

Thanks again to everybody who voted for The Deepest Dive on Jak and Daxter to happen, it's been a fun ride. Unfortunately, it's been too much of a wild ride for me (Ben Hanson) and so I'm tapping out and won't be on the final discussion. Even though I was hopped up on dramamine, something about the game made me way too nauseated while playing and I wasn't able to finish it. Janet Garcia is a saint and will be hosting the grand finale. Here's a note from my doctor to confirm that I'm not just being a baby.

Become a Game Champion by supporting MinnMax at the $50 tier on Patreon and lock in the game of your choice! https://www.patreon.com/minnmax

Team Fortress 2 - DJDio

Ghost of Tsushima - ProcyonNumber6

Earth Defense Force 2017 - ErinJBear

Jak and Daxter - SteveB

Wordle - PrettyGoodPrinting.com

Spy Fox in: Dry Cereal - Clemens Zobel

Journey - Spider_Dan

BioShock - Maniac

The Addams Family Pinball Machine (Bally, 1992) - Bob Buel

Elite Beat Agents - Divorced Cougar (Mike M)

Snowboard Kids 2 - Tanner

Borderlands - Jawarhello

Viva Piñata - Nickfilo

God Hand - Patrick Polk

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - Otsego12

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Starkiller



Funny thing happened to me right when I freed the Lead Zeppelin. The Green Sage congratulated Jax and said his uncle would be proud right as a swamp rat attacked my character. I had no health left and Jax pasted out dead. RIP

Kraid Belmont

Surprised how accessible most of the power cells were. I really wasn't trying to collect everything, and I still managed to collect all but 6 power cells. One power cell was left behind after collecting the 7th Scout Fly and not noticing when it dropped.


It wouldn't be right if MinnMax didn't call out the Prince reference in the game, the Purple Pain trophy! Less important shout out to the Lead Zeppelin trophy. I'm sure I missed some others too.


Thanks for hosting part 2, Janet! Boggy Billy asks you to hold off the rat infestation so his pet will come home. Once completed, the pet is revealed to be this eyeless hog/dog creature. Any design notes on this abomination?


I am new to gaming and I thoroughly enjoyed this game, but I couldn't help but notice that Keira's design was over-sexualized, and Maia's was even more exaggerated. You could literally see half of Maia's ass crack in one scene. I'm no prude, but no men in this game are dressed remotely provocatively so the game's sexualized depiction of its only significant female characters paints a questionable picture of women in its universe. I dislike the idea of objectifying women as a hack to sell your game to horny, impressionable young men. I know that this issue is in no way unique to Jak and Daxter, but I found it hard to ignore the skimpy outfits, concerningly tiny waists, and incessant hip shaking. Women in real life can dress however they'd like, of course, but artists should think about whether their designs really come across as empowering or degrading.


What’s your theory on Gol’s balls? (Forgive me.) Are they weights holding him down, weapons, canisters of dark eco, or something else?

Harrison Holt-McHale

Hi, The end of this game has some really challenging platforming! The spider caves and the citadel were really frustrating difficulty wise, combined with the strange checkpoint behaviour. I found it to be a bit of a low point rather than a grand finale. Harrison


Hey MinnMaxers. I loved playing through the game to the end, and I'm pretty good with following story...but this one just seemed to go over my head. Bad guys affected by dark ico and we got to stop them using a precursor machine to take over the world? Oh and the sages have magical ico powers, I don't know. What I did enjoy most was gameplay despite at best frustrating camera controls. It is a solid platformer from start to finish. -Groffles


I managed to get the blue rings power cell on the first try thanks to having the route pretty much memorized from years of practice. So I was feeling pretty confident in my abilities when I went to try to get the other tough power cell: climbing up the steps at the entrance to spider cave to shoot the metal crate in the volcanic crater. I humbled myself with 7 or 8 garbage runs before I finally got it. A little humility goes a long way, it seems :) What were your toughest power cells? Bonus comment: Thank you, Janet!!!


It's great how many small animations make you smile in this game. This time around, my favorite occurred when I fell from great heights to take some fall damage. Both characters pancaked flat on the ground, then sprung back up to keep moving. Good physical comedy right there I also wanted to note that being able to adjust your movement on snowy mountain with a punch made that section SO much more enjoyable. Although, I still petition ice platforming levels be banned from all of gaming.

Ian Miller

If you'll indulge a little trip down memory lane back to Sentinel Beach, there's a little secret that I don't think anyone on the panel knows. Instead of racing to get the power cell from the pelican, you can actually shoot the pelican with the cannon after it steals the power cell and rests on the island. A well placed cannon shot will blow up the pelican and allow you to grab the power cell without any hassle! A fun little detail I didn't discover until about my 20th playthrough of the game :D


In the beginning of the game the mission started with seeking a certain sage but I notice it isn’t fulfilled. This string goes undone and lost in the adventure. It was something I never noticed as a kid playing but now as an adult I see the holes in a classic I adore. Any other strings you found undone or wanting more flushed out?