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We're finishing off The Deepest Dive on Halo Infinite and need your thoughts on the second half of the game's campaign! In case you missed it, here's our first discussion - https://youtu.be/sDgNaxNVCt8

Submit a comment below and please get specific. Don't write a long review, please keep your one comment to around the length of a tweet. We want to get to as many comments as possible. Let's get specific, submit a comment about your favorite mission, weapon, boss fight, line of dialogue, anything specific. The more specific you are, the higher the odds of us reading your comment during the discussion. We'll finish collecting comments on Monday morning.

We're recording The Deepest Dive on Halo Infinite on Monday night at 7:30pm Central, you can watch us record it live by joining the Backstage Pass tier.

You can unlock the podcast version of the discussion by supporting MinnMax at the $5 tier.

Join the Thank You Crew over on Patreon to add your name to this list! https://www.patreon.com/minnmax

Patrick Polk

Another Eden’s Chrono Cross Crossover

Andrew Uerkwitz

Opposwitch on Xbox



Fixture Gaming’s Fixture S1



Zachary Pligge

Ludwig Roque

Andrew Vala





John Higby

Drew Waranis

Steve Bamdad

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Preetham Yarlagadda




Barrett Boswell

The boss fight with the Elite Jega 'Rdomnai was a unique fight I never had encountered in any of the Halo games. The dark, claustrophobic setting in the ship gave me vibes from the movie 'Alien' and had me scrambling determining how to best him through much trial and error. I think 343 deserves some kudos for creating an experience Master Chief has not really been faced with before.


Wait, so why did master chief try to kill the weapon?


I thought Master Chief’s attempt at deleting The Weapon was an excellent insight into his trust issues after Cortana’s betrayal. It’s possibly the first time I’ve seen the character emanate a human emotion. After the Weapon then realizes she’s an exact copy of Cortana, my favorite line ever is spoken from Master Chief: The Weapon: “How can you trust me?” Chief: “I don’t. But I want to.”

Patrick O'Connor

I can't be the only person who thinks the jackals sound incredibly like the vorcha from ME2 right? Also, the way the enemy barks always seem to be timed to land just as you've instigated their death is incredible.


Greetings, MinnMax!! I enjoyed the added variety of the high value target encounters. I specifically enjoyed the design choice of placing the unique weapons in the battlefield instead of on the target. Like multiplayer, it was similar to orienting yourself with where the power weapons are located and using them to your advantage. I found this to be more enjoyable than the unique weapon being dropped upon defeat. Also, is anyone else surprised there wasn’t an achievement for killing a high value target with their own unique weapon?


As if the grappleshot couldn’t get more satisfying, I was impressed at the usefulness of the “First Strike” upgrade. This came in handy with flying enemies or when I was low on ammo and needed to deal extra damage. The way the camera pulls back to show a third person view of Master Chief was an excellent change of pace.


Having Master Chief hold the weapon you currently have equipped in cutscenes was a great touch. I had my gravity hammer out during the scene where the Weapon feels a push back as she’s scanning the beacons, and it looked like Master Chief was about to smash that console to smithereens.


Hey all- quick story summary and a potential look ahead at the first expansion: Halo 5- Cortana goes crazy after being attacked in halo 4, guilds robotic army and assembles the guardians Halo 6 (rip)- cortana destroys the unsc hq, master chief goes into hiding aboard unsc ship, Cortana destroys the homeworld of atriox after he refuses to join, master chief and Halsey crew at the weapon an exact copy of Cortana without any memories, unsc trick Cortana to zeta halo where she is captured for deletion, master chief arrives and is attacked by atriox (ship is defeated in 4 minutes) master chief is throne into space, atriox lands and captures zeta halo imprisoning Cortana, atriox learns of the endless and plans to release them, Cortana destroys zeta halo sacrificing herself and leaving behind Data fragments Halo infinite- master chief found by pilot, go to zeta halo to retrieve the weapon who was meant to be deleted but never was bc Cortana destroyed herself and the weapon didn’t delete her, atriox is assumed dead, Mc is hunted across zeta halo by the banished, the harbinger is awakened by the banished to repair zeta halo, they being the reconstruction focusing on the vault holding the endless, masterchief kills the leaders of the banished and the harbinger but they successfully create the key needed to open the endless, end credit reveals that atriox is alive and has the key created by the harbinger- he uses it to open the vault and return the endless Theories for the first dlc—- master chief and the weapon are being supported by a forerunner ai labeled offensive bias (ai that helped the forerunners defeat the original flood and activate the first halo ring), takes place on new desert location, atriox revived the endless or xayalan(talked about in audio logs as being the true owners for the mantle of responsibility), they were imprisoned bc they can survive the effects of the halo rings— can’t be killed upon use and thus the forerunners imprisoned them and deemed humanity to take on the mantle of responsibility, master chief thus will be fighting a new alien race as they are awoken and eventually atriox


From a combat perspective this is my favorite halo game. I played solo on heroic and really only beat my head against two bosses (the legendary alien that drives around a wraith, and the legendary banished that has the fish hammer and an army of brutes atop the mountain). While in multiplayer I gravitate towards a handful of weapons, I found myself using almost everything in single player. The custom mangler was especially a favorite, and the special BR and magnum both tore thru the late game enemies. While I miss the dash in multiplayer from halo 5- I think this is the best halo combat has ever felt and I’m excited to see new and old weapons added


From a campaign perspective, 343 created a sequel to a game that never happened and a prequel to a future dlc. Ultimately- this game is just the first act and feels largely unfinished/incomplete. While you do defeat the 3 major villains of the game, the first villain shown to us (atriox) is SURPRISE SURPRISE alive, they frequently reference the endless throughout the game and never show them, and wait until the final 3 missions to give you any context as to what is happening in the story. That is alongside the events of halo 6- the actual sequel to halo 5 with an evil Cortana- taking place entirely in these AI flashbacks. I love halo, but ultimately we have now had 3 campaigns from 343 that have been reboots of the franchise. They pick and choose what they want to continue from the last game, and then let everything else be resolved in these ai sequences or worse comics and books outside of the game. I’m excited for the future of halo- hopefully a dlc campaign annually Ala destiny (I imagine 5-10 hours in the open world with a handful of levels) but if we wait 2-4 years for the next story and it’s another soft reboot I’m going to write off the story for good.