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Get ready for tonight's episode of Trivia Tower, with special guest co-host Imran Khan from Fanbyte! The competition starts at 7pm Central tonight (Monday, July 12th), so jump in the MinnMax Discord and look on the left-hand side to find a channel called "1st Floor." That's where the competition begins. You'll be watching the YouTube stream from this post for the questions and then answering the game trivia questions in the 1st Floor Discord channel. If you're the first to get an answer correct, you move on to the next floor. The mods in the Discord will give you permission to enter the 2nd Floor room and beyond. Each floor of the Trivia Tower is a different format for video game trivia, with most requiring you to guess the name of the game. Let us know if you have any questions about how it all works!

Here's a link to the stream for Trivia Tower - https://youtu.be/kPDpRmHVmYg

1st Floor - Infinite Contestants/25 Questions (so 25 people move on to the next round)

2nd Floor - 25 Contestants/15 Questions

3rd Floor - 15 Contestants/10 Questions (Everybody wins game codes for Grindstone, Bugsnax, or Wandersong)

4th Floor - 10 Contestants/5 Questions

5th Floor - 5 Contestants/1 Question (Every wins game codes Scarlet Nexus and more)

Victory Lounge - 1 winner gets an Astro A40 headset for their console of choice, a picture on the Wall of Heroes, and a custom Trivia Champion role in the Discord!

Trivia Tower Rules and Conditions

- One typo allowed per answer, not counting punctuation.

- No editing your answer after the fact.

- No acronyms allowed, you must type out the name of the game as your answer. We'll let you know ahead of time whether we need the full name or just the subtitle, etc.

- We need the full name of the game unless otherwise stated. This includes the word “the”. No extra words are allowed on the end of game names.

- Roman numerals/numbers are interchangeable

- No messaging answers to other players.

- The chat is slowed down, so you can only enter one guess every 30 seconds.

- If you get an answer correct, you move up a floor of the Trivia Tower. If you answer correctly on the 5th floor, you win the game


- We've disabled YouTube chat for the stream, so folks in later rounds can't look there for answers.

- The show archive will be up on YouTube the next day.

- The game codes for Switch and PlayStation are US-only, but we also have region-free codes for PC and Xbox.


- YouTube, Patreon, and Discord are not a sponsor of this contest. YouTube, Patreon, and Discord are released from any liability related to this contest.

- No personal data from competitors will be used by MinnMax Media LLC

- Here’s a link to YouTube’s community guidelines - https://www.youtube.com/howyoutubeworks/policies/community-guidelines/


Trivia Tower - July 2021

Trivia Tower Rules and Conditions - One typo allowed per answer, not counting punctuation. - No editing your answer after the fact. - No acronyms allowed, you must type out the name of the game as your answer. We'll let you know ahead of time whether we need the full name or just the subtitle, etc. - We need the full name of the game unless otherwise stated. This includes the word “the”. No extra words are allowed on the end of game names. - Roman numerals/numbers are interchangeable - No messaging answers to other players. - The chat is slowed down, so you can only enter one guess every 30 seconds. - If you get an answer correct, you move up a floor of the Trivia Tower. If you answer correctly on the 5th floor, you win the game ------- - We've disabled YouTube chat for the stream, so folks in later rounds can't look there for answers. - The show archive will be up on YouTube the next day. - The game codes for Switch and PlayStation are US-only, but we also have region-free codes for PC and Xbox. ------- - YouTube, Patreon, and Discord are not a sponsor of this contest. YouTube, Patreon, and Discord are released from any liability related to this contest. - No personal data from competitors will be used by MinnMax Media LLC - Here’s a link to YouTube’s community guidelines - https://www.youtube.com/howyoutubeworks/policies/community-guidelines/ Follow us on Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/minnmaxshow Please support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/minnmax Buy MinnMax merch here - https://minnmax.com/merch Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/minnmaxshow Go behind the scenes on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/minnmaxshow Thanks to the following Patreon supporters for their generous support of MinnMax at the $50 tier! Get your name on the list right here - https://www.patreon.com/minnmax Hello Hyrule Podcast Iam8bit Mirko Arico-Torreno BeatenDownBrian Zachary Pligge Andrew Uerkwitz Jawarhello mark seliga Prettygoodprinting.com Conner McCabe Ludwig Roque John Higby Best of the Rest Podcast Andrew vala Logan Krause SpiralInYourEyes Drew Waranis Clint Farley Spider_Dan Purebrednumber6 Starkiller Steve Bamdad SlyckNic Preetham Yarlagadda


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