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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Leo Vader, Janet Garcia, and Suriel Vazquez. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- The greatest GameBoy Advance games of all time

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!




Kyle Silva

I got a game for you guys! I’m gonna name a property that is represented in both in videogames and film/tv. You have to guess which version has the better aggregate score. Hope you’re ready. Feel free to skip some of these. Rachet and Clank 2016 Movie Vs. 2016 PS4 Game Movie: 29 Metascore Game: 85 Metascore King Kong King Kong 2006 Vs. Peter Jackson’s King Kong: The Official Game of The Movie on Xbox 360 Movie: 81 Metascore Game: 80 Metascore Detective Pikachu The 2019 film Vs. The 2018 3DS game Movie: 53 Metascore Game: 71 Metascore Marvel’s Thor The 2011 MCU film Vs. The 3DS Game from Sega Movie: 57 Metascore Games: 55 Metascore Werewolves Within The movie in theatres now Vs. the PSVR game Movie: 65 Metascore Game: 76 Metascore Ballistic: Ecks Vs. Sever The 2002 Lucy Liu Film Vs. The 2001 GBA game based on the original script Movie: 19 Metascore Game: 80 Metascore Note: Ecks Vs. Sever actually has 2 GBA games. Both are scored quite well. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World The 2010 Edgar Wright Film Vs. The PS3 Beat em’ Up Movie: 69 Metascore Game: 77 Metascore Star Wars Episode VII Star Wars: The Force Awakens Vs. Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens on PS4 Movie: 80 Metascore Game: 78 Metascore Little Nicky The 2000 Adam Sandler devilish comedy Vs. The Gameboy Color platformer Movie: 38 Metascore Game: 67% Gamerankings Score The Witcher Season 1 on Netflix Vs. The 2007 PC Game Season 1: 51 Metascore Game: 81 Metascore Spider-Man 2 The 2nd Toby McGuire film Vs. The PS2 Game Movie: 83 Metascore Game: 80 Metascore The Simpsons Movie The 2007 Movie Vs. The PS3 game from EA Redwood Movie: 80 Metascore Game: 71 Metascore Napolean Dynamite The 2004 Movie Vs. The 2007 DS Game Movie: 64 Metascore Game: 45 Metascore IGN gave it a 7/10 however Stranger Things The 3rd Season on Netflix Vs. Stranger Things 3 The Game on Xbox Season 3: 72 Metascore Game: 72 Metascore


Hey everyone, I just signed up to patreon yesterday. After watching so much content and seeing the interactions you all have with your community whether it be on discord, youtube comments, twitter or twitch, do you ever worry about the parasocial relationships which can form? I ask this after watching a super insightful video about the rise and fall of the McElroys brand. Are there things you do to minimise it? Are you conscious of it? Has it's impact changed the way you engage with your audience and what you choose to share? Bryce from down under (pronounced as down unda)


Hey Ben and the Computer Loving Jets, I was wondering, do you ever stop playing a game you're really enjoying because you're getting close to the end and you don't want the game to be over? I've often stopped playing a game because I'm really far into it and don't want it to be over. In my mind, I'm 'saving it' so it's not just immediately over and I forget about it and move onto the next game; it's always there, in the back of my mind..... Or am I just crazy?


Guys, seriously, where's House Hunter Rise?


I can often be a rather cold and cynical person, but Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is genuinely making me feel like a kid again. It's just so darn jolly and the cutscenes and dialogue make me feel like I am 5 years old again playing Spyro, Crash, or watching Looney Toons on Cartoon Network. Have any new games ever given you this feeling as an adult? Remakes and Remasters don't count (and it should be noted; I didn't play Ratchet and Clank in my childhood) Jason Wojnar, Kyiv, Ukraine


Is Cyberpunk the gaming equivalent of the last season of Game of Thrones? Insane levels of hype and was so disappointing that within a year no one cares and no one really talks about it. If not is there a better candidate?


Hey guys. Do any of you have a working copy of Metroid fusion I could borrow? The battery in my GBA cartridge died so I can't save anything. Also, do you know what Kazuya's command inputs are? I can't seem to hack him in Smash. I could look it up, but I thought it would be more fun to ask you guys. Thanks for all the great content you've been putting out!


Pretty crazy that the goty has already been decided. Alright everyone, let's give a round of applause to Chicory. Well done, much deserved!


With the namesake games Metroid and Castlevania not releasing new games for a long time, Metroidvanias have become a staple of the indie scene over the past decade. Games that are seen as some of the best on the genre come from indie devs, like Hollowknight, Ori, Axiom Verge and Dead Cells to name a few. Now with Metroid Dread being announced, do you think the fact that it is a full priced $60 game will hurt it's sales? I know Gamestop said it was the most preordered game of E3, but it was also one of the only new AAA games announced for this year not on gamepass. Also, do you think there is room for AAA developers to make "full" priced games in genres that we normally associate with $20-$30 indie titles? Do you think the resources and budgets of large studios allow them to make games that would be seen as having a higher value than the indies, or is it just the expectation for them to release a game at $60-$70 that keeps the prices the way they are? -Bryan


Hey cohorts! Let’s get to the tough, hard-hitting questions. What’s more important in a video game - toilets you can interact with or instruments you can interact with? Please explain your reasoning.


Hey Cohorts, I’ve tried multiple times to get into BOTW and I’m just barely seeing why people love it. I still find myself not liking a lot of it still, but I can see the light. Anyway it got me thinking why doesn’t anybody talk about RDR2 like they do about BOTW. RDR2 had so many wow moments by just exploring the vast open world. From the widowed lady up in the mountains to the cannibal family in the swap. This world is filled with so many amazing things to uncover and yet I never hear about it from anyone in games media. Why is that?


Jesse Brown-Baldock from south Australia S'goin on Cohorts. I was listening to the last episode of the minmaxx show. It was a nice treat to walk down memory lane whilst listening to your top GBA games. I was fully on board with warioware being some members number one game but then I realised something. You weren't talking about Warioware twisted!? This was my favourite game on GBA. I spent hours spinning my gameboy and collecting weird souvenirs. I just wanna know if this game was in anyone's collection. I feel as though I was super lucky to even experience this sort of tech on a handhold console back in that day and to this day the game surprises me with unique mini games and souvenir ideas. If this question gets read on the show I will backflip where ever I am listening to it. I will probably have to pull my car over but it will be done. Thanks guys love the content.