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MinnMax's Ben Hanson interviews Mark Darrah about his career at BioWare and why he decided to leave the studio and is now building a YouTube channel offering advice for other game developers. In this interview Darrah talks about his history with crunch, why he didn't have the heart to see the next Dragon Age into production, the unreleased Nintendo DS game Mass Effect: Corsair, and his perspective on what went wrong with Anthem's launch. 

Watch and share the video version of the interview here - https://youtu.be/WTSeEYEgZXg

To jump to a particular discussion, check out the timestamps below...

00:00:00 - Intro

00:01:16 - Mark Darrah’s YouTube channel

00:04:46 - Lessons with Crunch

00:18:24 - Dragon Age 2’s rushed development

00:23:27 - Why BioWare can’t make small games anymore

00:27:35 - Mark Darrah’s next game

00:35:14 - Keeping Dragon Age’s secrets

00:37:40 - Thoughts on Mass Effect: Legendary Edition

00:39:35 - Mass Effect 3’s ending

00:42:27 - Developing Mass Effect 1

00:45:49 - Mass Effect: Corsair on the Nintendo DS

00:51:14 - What happened to Jade Empire 2

00:52:43 - Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

00:55:35 - Inside Anthem’s rough launch

01:00:45 - Why not delay Anthem

01:04:50 - Thoughts on Cyberpunk 2077’s launch

01:07:51 - The future of the Old Game Dev Advice YouTube channel

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Mike Po

Fascinating conversation, and what coincidental timing for it to launch on the day Casey Hudson announces his new studio. Thanks for putting this together!

Owen McCarter

You're killing it with the interviews, Ben! Always look forward to these and who you're going to interview next!


Really enjoyed this interview! The toxicity in the communities surrounding the release of DA2 and ME3 contributed heavily to me pulling away from engaging in the gaming community as a whole for quite a while so it was fascinating to hear a bit about that and game development as a whole.


Really great conversation. I loved the aside on the economics of the DS. Great job Ben and thanks Mark for taking the time!


Slamming these interviews...top notch!