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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Janet Garcia, Jeff Marchiafava, and Leo Vader. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Far Cry 6

- E3 Predictions

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Switch pro? More like switch no show, am I right? Are we going to see a new Miyamoto game at this E3 and if not will we ever get a new Miyamoto game? He seems to be in a different role at Nintendo these days that is less about creating and more about advising.


Hello Minnimaxers, Has a game ever prompted you to make changes in your real life? After playing MGS 5 I made a greater effort to start learning Spanish because of its themes about language's connection to culture. It also got me interested in other languages in general and now I'm fluent in Ukrainian and can understand most Russian With love from Ukraine, Jason Wojnar


Hello beautiful Minnmaxers Dubbed or Subbed ? when playing a JRPG I sometimes prefer dubbed because the dialogue can be cheesey in these types of games and I like my cheesenies with extra dubbed cheese


What's up minnmax squad. I wanted to ask you guys if there was ever a Character in a game that you remember not really liking, but grew to love over time. For me, I didn't really care for legion when I first played Mass Effect 2, but playing through the game again, including my first playthrough of 3, he might be one of my favorite squadmates.


Hello CLCs, With E3 right around the corner, what is the biggest surprise announcement that would make you scream in excitement? In retrospect, what E3 announcement has been the most surprising or favorite of yours?


Howdy y'all. Here's a dumb question. Squall's gun blade in Final Fantasy 8: is it cool, or is it lame?

Sean Mason

Hey CLCs I have a fun story to tell you about one of my students. I took my honors students outside to observe nature. Afterwards, I told them to think about what they have just seen and jot down some of their thoughts. For homework, they were tasked with writing a haiku about nature. For the most part, I was impressed with their writing. But, one student had the audacity to give me this: Stillness of one’s mind A lone pebble alters fate Rising from the depths On the surface it seems great, but it seemed a bit familiar to me. So I took to the internet. Come to find out it’s a haiku from Ghost of Tsushima. I’ve seen plagiarism, but plagiarism from a video game is a first. My question: Do you have any funny stories about plagiarism from when you were in school? Not necessarily something that you did, but memories from other students or friends being caught? Best, Sean M


Hey CLC's! With E3 just around the corner and the excitement building, what are some surprise announcements from the past that stuck with you? What have been some of the best out-of-left-field reveals game companies have done? Thanks! Styster


Hey Everyone! When it comes to character customization, do you prefer a game to have less options for customization but more realistic movement, or deep customization with stiffer animation? What games do you feel tow the line between character customization options and fluid animation? Love, Brendan B.


Hey cohorts! Just a reminder that *6 months* after release, Cyberpunk 2077 is still not available on the PlayStation Store. A friend of mine who recently got back into gaming (but doesn’t follow gaming news) picked up a PS5 digital edition, and Cyberpunk was at the top of his ‘must-play’ list. As someone who didn’t really know much about the drama surrounding Cyberpunk, he’s confused and disappointed that he’s unable to purchase the game at all for his new console. Having to explain the situation to my friend, who up until now had really only heard “Cyberpunk plays perfectly fine on the new consoles!” really bummed me out, because he was so excited for it. I get the feeling that the experience kind of deflated his excitement about getting back into games, and that’s a shame. Did Sony make the right call? Has CD Projekt Red been too relaxed in their reaction?

Gus Arroyo

Hello you gang of rascals, What have been the most addicting fighting games you have played? I recently been hitting dragón ball fighterz and the combat and animation are keeping me hooked. I feel like if I can’t get a hang of the combos, I usually bounce of these types of games but DBF is really hitting my g spot (goku spot). Have a good one party people


Hey Cohorts! With the recent Naomi Osaka French Open controversy, I have a question specifically for you guys who are both stars AND journalists. The French Open, just like the NFL and many other sports organizations, require their stars to be open to interviews. Have you ever felt snubbed by someone who refused an interview? Would you expect penalties for saying "no" to an interview? Do you think interviews should be required in contracts at all? I just think you guys might have a different point of view from myself, so I want to hear what you think! Thanks!